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Messages - gutts

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LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: August 19, 2012, 11:20:58 pm »
PS LANCE, get on irc tonight breh! me , cody and darqui are on

04:03 <@linz> u
04:04 <@linz> meder
04:04 <@linz> lance replied to my pms
04:04 <@linz> u mad?
04:12 < meder> linz
04:12 < meder> he replied to my questions on
04:12 < meder> and gave me props
04:12 < meder> he replied multpile times
04:12 < meder> UMAD

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: August 19, 2012, 11:13:27 pm »
Oh I see, I'm driving it too much into my chest and I should drive it upwards near the traps.. yeah? (sorry for the slowness)

Driving it into the chest makes it easier, is that why I naturally transitioned into doing that? Should I keep the same weight and I'll naturally be using more of my legs?


LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: August 19, 2012, 06:25:03 pm »
Thanks breh. Up next on Tuesday I'll try to get my hang clean / squat / push press videos.

Soo - use more upper body and not let hips do any work? Thought you said it was a full body motion? Can you maybe link to a video where someone does it more properly?

What do you think about my depth on bench? Some guy said not to go down so much to chest cuz I have long arms, but you said go all the way down when I started, so that's what I keep doing.

I did sit on my hands before that, my ass cheeks on each hand.. for like 1 min 30 mins but lost patience to keep sitting.. oh well.

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: August 19, 2012, 05:48:56 pm »

Please sir Lance, could you give me tips on my bench form ( ps thats my 185x5 )?

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Here's the SLOW MOTION hammer curls.. maybe I did em too slow? After that set I sped it up by 20-30%.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: August 18, 2012, 04:11:32 pm »
What about 1 hour of bouldering/rock climbing?

It sounds weird,  but sit on your hands until they fall asleep, then do a set of hammer curls.

How long does that usually take, you, for example? 2-3 mins? Define 'asleep'.. til you cant feel em? Is there any video of this?

I'm starting to workout with my friend and pretty soon I think I'm gonna start posting vids of my

- squats
- hang cleans
- push press

and other shit. I'm pretty sure I'm butchering the form and maybe doing one if not all of them wrong, so I will post the vids and await your advice.

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: August 18, 2012, 12:22:36 am »
Instead of doing that forearm exercise, I just started doing deadlifts again today - better idea you think? Since DLs hit the entire body, and you're already using max force to pull the weight up, forearms get worked.

Also, can you recommend foam rolling videos for lower back / lumbar / spine?

How about this?

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: August 17, 2012, 01:53:34 pm »
Another question, can you recommend another forearm exercise I can throw into my workout routine?

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: August 17, 2012, 02:01:31 am »
My knee doesn't hurt, it just pops every once in awhile. It didn't the last 2 days, but like maybe 1 day or 2 days of the week it does.

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: August 11, 2012, 08:41:04 pm »
ok ill try. any feedback on the other questions in my previous previous post?

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: August 11, 2012, 02:54:12 pm »
BTW, what is your stance on sumo squats? I feel safer doing them than regular squats, just did 1 session with wide stance..

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: July 31, 2012, 01:17:16 am »

we are on IRC *NOW*. How about monday night meetup?


LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: July 31, 2012, 01:08:38 am »
Ok. Back is way better, doing low weight squats and doing push press and stuff now.

Last week's bench was 185x5 185x5 190x3 185x4 180x3-4ish

I'm gonna try going for 185x5 185x5 190x4 185x5 185x4 this week..


Why is it that every now and then my knee has this weird 'click' shit? Like for example today I walked to the store and I kept contracting/moving my knee and straightening my leg out, and it would temporarily relieve and 'unclick' but the click always comes back... then tomorrow I won't even feel it.

Can I solve this by foam rolling? A specific stretch?

Also, when you said it's just a 'strength' issue, should I do some type of exercise for my back OTHER than my core lifts? Or should I just keep doing my core lifts? I think someone mentioned that they started doing good mornings to strengthen the back...

My core pops out like the left, GSP has the same thing.. its due to spine. I heard you can fix it through consistent stretching,

Is this the case or no? My posture has improved by a lot in the last year, but I don't think my spine is still completely straight.

Someone recommended this as well, spinal decompression:

Can I get your thoughts on that?

Fully loaded with questions, but appreciate if you could spare some time to shed some light for me.


PS - yes, bosshogs channel. What day are you available for a weekly meetup?

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: Yo lance
« on: July 20, 2012, 04:56:21 pm »
thx lance.. ive sat myself at home for like the last 2 days and not go out doing stupid shit drunk aggravating my back even more, feels way better.

i think i have lordosis.. can you recommend the best stretches for me to do consistently for the next year or so?

we should arrange a weekly IRC meetup.. like every sunday night or something.. whos in, and if so when are you available?

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Yo lance
« on: July 17, 2012, 10:45:10 pm »
hows everything breh, where u been?

got a quick q..

i fucked up my back like 3 weeks ago, and i keep fucking it up doing stupid shit ( just the other day i re-fucked up my back cuz i spotted this guy benching 240ish )

what exercises can i do for my legs to keep my squat strength n shit while my lower back is fucked up?

body weight squats? running? ive had 3 workouts in the last 2 weeks and all i did was bench, curl, pullups, rack chins, lat raises, basically anything that doesnt involve legs/back.

i started running 1 mile as my warmup on treadmill, that aint good enough is it?

i suspect it'll take like a week and a half until i can maybe do light squats / non-PR push press, but i'm going to abstain from squatting/deadlift/push for 2 weeks.

LanceSTS's Performance Blog / Re: COME TO IRC LANCE
« on: April 18, 2012, 02:15:19 pm »
well considering he has years more of training than i do, probably but i will catch up and surpass.

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