You ask even more retarded questions (and more frequently) than I did when I was new to training.
3xBW leg press = 1.5xBW squat? WTF, erase that BS out of your mind right now. Also, just take leg presses out of your training routine. I'm serious, take it out. You do squats and RDL's for legs? Perfect combination, no need for leg presses at all.
You think your legs are weak cause of your leg press numbers and it's holding your squat back? How about, strengthen your legs with squats? Whatever the weak link is, your squat will work it...
Leg presses are leg dominant? You don't say?!
Relation between squat and deadlift? What are you even asking? How much higher should one be than the other? It'll be different for everyone. Usually DL is higher though.
Don't get offended by my jackassness, but seriously this was retarded. Take out leg press, be consistent with the depth of your squats and keep squatting. Keep doing RDL's. Simple. Stop over-analyzing and get your rdl and squat numbers up, BY SQUATTING AND RDLing. NOT BY leg pressing.
It's a good thing to ask questions, but this one, I seriously had to .
hey sorry but just in case u got it wrong, I Don't do leg presses, except for tht one day when i was trying jsut to see how much weights i can press. Not planning on incorporating it into my workout, but about the 3xbw =1.5 thing, i remember reading somewhere about how if so happen you CANT get access to or do squats for some legit reason, but can do leg presses, it should be 3xbw to be safe to say ur squats is 1.5bw ( as recommended to be that strong before doing plyos) . thats the whole reason i brought it up.
a nd not saying weak leg presses is holding back my squat, rather was thinking of using it to possibly see your weaknesses and do the assistance exercise that could help strengthen the weakness. like my quads could be really weak, intead of doing RDL only, i could do lunges which would involve more quad work but not neglecting glutes, and do RDL too or eliminate it.
thats my point.
soryr if my question sounds retarded but if it could even be considerde as a nalternating t o a 1.5bw squat when there is no choice and people can still get result , then whats wrong with it? besides, a two leg jumper could be quad dominant and jump as high those glute dominant, and thats wht got be me wondering if this works