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Messages - bball2020

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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Kingfush
« on: February 14, 2018, 11:13:50 pm »
still killing it awesome man.  When was the last time you cut/jumped?    :ibsquatting:

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: DBT (Dunk Before Thirty)
« on: February 14, 2018, 11:11:59 pm »
Last week
3 days of hitting some low level plyos and jumps
lifted 4 days mainly BW lower/abs and dumbbell upper
ate a lot of BFS (big freaking salads)
Core: 7DVJC - pretty good combo of core work/activation

Tuesday 13 FEB
Low level plyos (jump rope, on off low box 2x20 each)
dbell bench 70s 3x20.  some other upper.  ab roller

Wed 14 FEB
Low level plyos
Wanted to test bench out. 225x7 (not bad) 2x5
Some curls
BSS 3x6  35’s
Apple Watch (45 mins - 245 calories)

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: DBT (Dunk Before Thirty)
« on: February 14, 2018, 11:09:36 pm »
whats going on.  3rd reboot of this journal but im getting after it 2018.  Will no long be on a ship by the end of a year and will have much more consistency in my routine.  Also, I turn 30 in 2019 so it seems like a good goal to focus on.
I have been a poster off and on for a long time (2010 or before) and a inconsistent progress logger.  I NEED to get back to and defeat all my previous PRS and reach a physical fitness level and athleticism level i have never reached.   I am 28 but when i started vert training (18 or even earlier on the old forums terminal vertical i think or even other ones plus db hammer) i was 175 pounds or so and reached some decent numbers for being 5 10 and a half about 7 6 reach (or maybe 7 7)

Anyways: short term (4 month range) plan
- DIET  after reaching 197 or so 33 inch waist, I regressed for the rest of 2017.  Back to 209.  Goal remains sub 175 to actually beat 10 year old PRs jumping.  Short term goal sub 200.  (2lbs per week)
- low level plyos 3 times per week.  I do not want to jump maximally or play basketball till I am 195 or below. 
- mobility/flexibility.  I have access to free yoga almost 5 days a week.  I need to get to 2 sessions a day.  Hips and knees aren't always that favorable once I get training and have always been a tight jumper and squatter.  Still foam roll stretch and warm up properly...
- weights: I have always responded well to upper body so ill keep doing that.  Easily repped out 315 on bench last year.  However want to actually improve in pullups and hit the shoulders harder too.  For legs, I am focusing on getting strong AF in BSS (100 for reps).  1 because I will only have access to dumbbells and 2 to build some strength back up while I increase my hip mobility before I get into the normal squat heavy + jump vert train mentality. 
- Cardio.  for life reasons and all that.  Walking, bball eventually, biking.  etc. 

May 27
Pull-ups 35lb dumbbell x8, x6, x6
Squat jumps rhythmic 3x6 bar
Bulgarian split squat 3x6 70's dbbell
Face pulls 3x8. Seated row 3x8
Glute ham raise 3x8. Calf raises 3x8
Roman chair on GHR 3x8 (obliques)

May 19
Military press 3x6 135lbs
Pull-ups and some curls
Ab burnout.

May 22
Push-ups 86
Sit-ups 101
Bench 225x6,x8x8
Tricep push downs and some more abs
Bike indoors 12 mins about 135 calories

May 23
Pull-ups x10, x8, x15
Seated row
Face pulls
BSS 2x6  70s
GHR 3x8 20lbs

May 24
Military press 155 x4, 135 2x6
Curls. Lateral raises. Few shrugs

May 26
Bench 275x4, 255 2x6
Tricep push down 3x8 80lb
Incline press 3x8 205lbs
Triangle push-ups and leg raises
Cyrotherapy. 90 seconds in a -200 degree chamber. Brand new by my house. Will come in handy when start vert training

May 13
Bench press 275x1, 255 2x4, 225x6
Tricep push down
Ab raises

May 14
Pull-ups neutral grip x16, x10, x8
BSS 3x6  65's
Face pulls 3x8
Calf raises 3x8
GHR 3x8 15lbs
Rhythmic jump squats 3x5 45lbs
Seated row 3x8

May 15
Military press 3x8
Curls and lateral raises
Curls and shrugs

Was a great diet weekend. Then I went to outback...

May 8
Pull-ups neutral grip  x15, x8, x6
BSS 3x6 60's
Inverted row 3x8
Face pull 3x8

May 10
Military press 145lbs x6, 2x5
Lat raise and curls
Easy hanging leg raises

Bench 255x5, 244 2x5
Some tricep and push-ups. Core work including hanging leg

Bench 275x3, 300x1, 250x4.  First time I've reached 300 in awhile and at this weight
Tricep push downs. Some abs.
Quick indoor bike .

Maybe between 32 and 33 inch waist. Idk exactly how lean I am but definitely close to a full fledged 6 pack


been getting fit again slowly.

down to 199lbs BW and about 32 inch waist.  Calorie counting and eating a ton of protein.
Focusing on general strength in fitness until I get down to a good BF/BW then go for some more vertical jumping Sub 180lbs

So far this week some notable stats

Bench- 255 x 6
BSS- 3x6 60s
Pullups one good set of 12
military press- 135 x 6
a lot of other strength work, sets of core (decline situps, leg raises), and GHR. 

Need to continue working, plus add more mobility + jump work and play some bball (been playing once a week or so general conditioning and jumping) and stay motivated.  I find that getting lifts in before work early has been clutch. No excuse to miss.

Once I get that BW in check  :ibjumping:

Quick workout

Diet not so great today but decent calorie wise

5 sets of pull-ups
Face pulls 3x8

BSS 40lb 3x8
45 degree back raise 3x8

Some calf raises

SOCAL. Beautiful here and mostly settled in. Can't get over it being 75-80 and sunny with like no humidity . Shits on east coast and even FLA weather ppl here don't even look at the weather daily just assume it's going to be great

Week 3 get fit

1) SLEEP - 7 or so hours 
3) Recent PRs-  N/A
4) Diet- a solid near 5. Basically salad and chicken FTW a little rice and a banana.  This Mexican grocer grills ur meat for u on the weekend. Great for meal Prep wow

Military press 3x6 145lbs

Curls 3x8 70lb

Shrugs 3x8
Curls dumbbell 3x8 per arm

Some full court 1 on 1 for cardio and lights abs

Didn't post much last week but played Bball 3 days and got some lifts in. Will further update. Moving to the west coast !

Thursday and Saturday workouts

Week 1 get fit

1) SLEEP - 7 or so hours 
3) Recent PRs-  N/A
4) DIET- 4/5   

Warm up

- played pickup for 1 hour Thursday

Pull-ups 5x8 varying grips (Thursday)

military press 3x6 145lbs
Lateral raises 3x10 15lb
Curls Dbbell 3x10 per arm 35s
Shrugs 3x10 w 3 sec hold
BSS 3x8   30s  ---going to really push these until I'm repping 100s again !! Love um
GHR 3x8

 decline sit-ups 3x20 (THurs)

Low pogo 3x15
High pogo 3x5

Foam roll and stretch

Weight 207 - not horrible reached goal of 2lbs a week
Waist right at 34

Week 1 get fit

1) SLEEP - 7 or so hours 
2) PHYSICAL STATE-  4/5  feel great 
3) STRETCH/ACTIVE RECOVERY-  good stretch 
4) DIET- 4/5   

Warm up- decent 

- played pickup for 1 hour good stuff

Bench 224x4,x6,x4
Rope push downs 3x8
Bunch of push-ups
GHR 3x8 with 25


Foam roll and little stretch

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