Date: 25/11/12 (long time)
BW: 140 lbs (like this weight)
CNS: 8/10
Soreness: none, suprised about that
Warm Up: Quick Activation and Mobility Drills
30 min walk to gym
Workout: Box Jumps with dumbell, 12inch and 16inch; estimate: 10 reps x 2 box x 6kg db, 10 reps x 2 box x 8kg db
Squats 1 x 8 (empty bar), 1 x 8 20kg, 1 x 8 x 30kg, 2 x 12 x 40kg
Squat ATG 1 x 1 rep x 40kg (just for fun)
Calf Raises 2 x 12 x 40kg
RDL 2 x 7 x 40kg (no rugby players as i went there at 1pm)
Pull Ups 8
Dips 10
Cool Down: 30 min walk back to uni
Stretches: Cool down overall body stretches
Comment:As i went to the lockers outside the changing room, all were taken, so had to use lockers in the changing room aka nude room
, disgusting, but what was worse that a guy straight from the shower, towel over his shoulders, naked went up to this guy on the same bench as me but in the corner 2 metre away, in front, nude, telling him he was in front of his locker, i guess he got the bad seat, lol. No shame nowadays these people. So left went to the gym, all squat racks taken, decided to do tke using leg press but the seat is wierdly shaped when i lower the weight towards me and puts pain in my lower back i don't know why, so LEG PRESS BAD FOR YOUR LOW BACK. I decided to do some explosive training got some dumbbells and did box jumps, they were more like tables then boxes. did it with 6 and 8 kg dumbbells. on both medium and above medium tables. Then the squat racks were free so went on. Did proper low depth to parallel and felt comfortable and hit 12 reps on 40kg. It felt controlled and my glutes even were killing when i sat so that was good lol.
btw i decided to wear the black trainers as they close to lifting shoes a bit elevated on the heel. But when doing calf raises it is difficult so did calf raises with my socks. When placing bar down for deadlift i decided to do ATG squats where i go down with muscle restriction and reach bottom and push out, not that difficult to come up and felt good and then all the way down to place bar on the lower part of the rack which sticks out , which i had to go right down sit on my heels, and place bar down and duck underneath and get up and caused this strange little painful lump on the top part of the left ab muscle near the part of the rib where they meet, strange, don't know why. Did RDL's, good form on second and third set i think i did. Then time was running out so did pull ups 8 reps and with only a few seconds rest did dips of 10 reps after and was finished. Went back to the changing room and suprise suprise; well not really, some nude dudes, lol. Got my stuff and left. I would like all my squat at any weight no matter how heavy to be as comfortable as the squats at 40kg.
Workout Rating: 9/10 (a very good workout)