Sub 74kg at 6'3 and feeling suicidal... hmm better diet down some more. I really don't understand your reasoning behind this... given you seem to be a pretty intelligent guy.
The most common statement in this journal: maxent is a smart, hard-working guy, why does he do this crazy shit?
Let's stop making excuses for him. He might be intelligent, but he's obsessed with all the wrong aspects of athletic training.
For years, the most knowledgeable forum members have tried to convince him that:
- he has some degree of body dysmorphia;
- he needs to stop obsessing over intractable 'hormonal imbalances' and accept that he's just a bit fatter than your average athlete (nbd btw);
- following these extreme fasting diet cycles to cut a bit of fat is counter-productive to long-term athletic gains.
They have all failed. I'm at the point where I really don't know why I would waste my time posting any more on this journal except that I'm worried about his mental health.
Just read this sample page from
FOUR YEARS AGO: has changed except that maxent is older, probably weaker and definitely less athletic than he could have been with the same training effort redirected. Now he can't run or jump on this diet.....that's OK though because it's only 'short-term'. Unfortunately as soon as a bit of adipose goes back on, it'll be back to pmsf and no meaningful training volume. He can talk about long-term planning for muscle gain and setting strength baselines while getting to x% bf all he wants....he's been doing it for well over four years.
Again, I always say these things with the caveat that I want him to succeed and be proven wrong. Happy to put ideas forward but not if it's just falling on deaf ears constantly.