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Messages - maxent

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Aw man, just i was thinking I need to start watching some GSW games .. that sucks. But what an achievement!

GSW 124, BOS 119



Wasnt pretty...  they are physically tired especially w the late boston game and now a flight to Milwaukee... more important they are emotionally tired... riding the high for so long for the brain is like an ecstacy binge...  there is a comedown and hangover...

Once they drop a couple they will be even better.  Scary.

off topic but would you rx trying mdma .. or nah.. just curious haha.

Thanks for those suggestions, esp 1 and 3. Will employ them asap! Already did 2 following your suggestion (it was you!) earlier in the thread and overhead throws (chrisM). I dont have to worry about getting hit on the bounce on 2 cause mine doesn't bounce that much, it's perfect! I'll post photos vids next time i use it.

I have a big enough space for oh throws, i will be doing htem outdside in the park since it's summer!

Just did my first medball workout and it's an eye opener!! No wonder i can't do windmills lol. My upper body is so unexplosive, the medball slams definitely proved that.. i look like a hideously slow ogre from a platform video game from the 90s lol. Whoever recommended me to do these, thank you, i'm very grateful, cause if this exercise shows my weakness, hopefully getting better at it will also address the same weakness and make me a better athlete. So excited about this new chapter of my training :)

I'm going to buy a 5kg ball right now. Can someone please outline a quick workout that I should try tonight? I'll buy the 10kg ball later on once i've found a decent price. Thanks!

Ok update, i ended up getting a 10kg one as well. fell in love with the 10kg even though i only planned on getting the 5kg because it was a compact size, about a basketball size. I hate that it costs so much to buy gym equipment here :( 

I weighed them and the 5kg is 4.88kg and the 10kg is exactly 10kg! Im annoyed about the 5kg being lighter, i would have been ok with it being heavier. blah.

Sample workout for tonight still welcome :) Do i use both or just one?

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: December 05, 2015, 01:41:38 am »
Hey good to see you logging coding as well. I wanna start doing the same. I'll be following your progress on that front! Yall know way more about than training than i do so i rarely post about it outside my log but i wanna improve my coding game too.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Party's Over!
« on: December 04, 2015, 04:54:19 am »
Dont stress it bro, one day's not going to make or break your hard work of weeks. Just take the next one in stride and keep going.

When I do lots of 2-3 step dunks my R knee pays the price. It wont bug otherwise for the most part. So i've learnt that if i want it to be healthy, to avoid doing much dunking. However I have found that if you spend a few weeks doing a lot of volume, then your body get good at the jump and you can taper off it and reduce volume significantly while keeping your dunk intact. So now i jus do bout 6 dunks a week on game day and that's enough, no pain no discomfort. But i do agree that to make the RVJ the main training jump comes at the cost of joint health.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs Vertical
« on: November 25, 2015, 09:13:47 am »
^That is interesting.
I do my share of paused reps though, and i do mix them with no-pause, just not in the same set. One of the two week days of squatting is 3x5 ATG paused, followed by 20RM not paused. Also all my warm-up sets are always paused.
As for LTMP, it is not the mobility that i am after, but a safe / effective / performance-oriented way to utilize high frequency. Mobility is an added benefit. Take a look in adarqui's blog posts about them if you haven't, interesting stuff said there:

yeah i dont like doing all paused reps cause you want the warmup to groove the actual lift and paused only is too different. So i get the benefit of the paused rep (depth/stretch) followed by grooving the normal squat. It also doesn't fatigue too much so warms up nicely without excess fatigue. I go straight from 100kg p135 to 132.5kg for reps without any intermediate sets.. thanks to the paused/unpaused alternating scheme. Re LTMP, cool will check it out.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs Vertical
« on: November 25, 2015, 04:45:47 am »
Use paused reps in your squat warmups. A scheme I like is p135 of a set of 6. So pause rep 1, unpaused rep 2, and so on. This is a vid of my warmup today.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

i dont use any other mobility .. just warming up this way is plenty. my 2c. 

29 is literally the best year .. it's when you're wise enough to be smarter and more experienced than during most of your 20s but still young enough to be in your 20s. Or something like that. I dont know, i thought it was the best. It's all downhill after 31 though. Lol. So enjoy this window of peak LBSS!

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: squat form
« on: November 15, 2015, 07:15:19 am »
It looks like your heels are really close together too from that video.

seriously neg person, kill yourself.

lol. i think it was all borne from a misunderstanding. They thought you were saying "one mans trash" to ChrisM's relationship misfortune but you were referring to his post-injury deflated jumps which he was unhappy with but you'd be happy with. It wasn't me btw.

Have you tried the fasting trick for overcoming jetlag? Works pretty good for me.

But this would be strange in my case as my hamstring's are way stronger than my quads that my body if ucontrolled falls into a good morning squat. I used to do a lot of hamstring oriented exercises such as natural glute ham raises, single leg hyper extensions but am now building my quads.

Yes, i think that's a good point, hips shooting up out of a bottom of squat means your hamstrings didn't hold back angle -- but additionally, it could also mean your quads didn't have enough strength to move the bar up and your body compensates by getting into a more mechanically advantageous position to complete the lift. It's possible your hamstrings are strong enough to hold back angle but didn't and it was your quads which weren't strong enough to move the load. Therefore your body intentionally lost back angle to put yourself in a better position to lift the weight. It's not clear cut what's going on at all.. no black and white answers..

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