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Messages - BMully

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Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: Adding muscle while losing fat
« on: December 21, 2010, 02:05:54 am »
nice joejoe22!!

anyway, My only way that I would gain muscle while losing fat would be to lift heavy and do a hardcore sprinting routine(ain't this what I already do!?!?!?) I would just counter by eating a high amount of protein(as much possible) and get just enough carbs to keep strength gains and eneregy( i don't know how much this is)

^^disclaimer, I could not do the following because i live in a family and don't buy my own food..I may not get enough protein and carbs..but that is what i would do at optimal enviroment

not an expert, just giving an outsider's idea

point of disclaimer, make sure adarq can't make call em' out on me lol, he on a rampage!!!!!!!

Boxing / Re: bernard hopkins vs jean pascal - HOPKINS GOT ROBBED
« on: December 21, 2010, 01:49:14 am »
you can't get knocked down twice and expect to win bro.

actually, yes you can.. that's two 10-8 rounds, hopkins won pretty much every round besides those two.

I'm agreeing with you, that's the excuse of the homer's that said he tied...hopkins was last knocked down 1995, and he was last knocked down 1994..That's pretty good, especially since he is so old
Pascal wants a rematch, he wanted to win outright...that would be great!

he'd kill pascal in a rematch, pascal is completely shook.

much props to bernard, what a beast at 45, looked 20's in that fight.

there could be a rematch, one final rematch to end the career of hopkins maybe...He has got to give it up soon though 46 is SOOOO old in boxing, got to be feeling some affects

his brain is healthy, he doesn't take damage, he's a defensive genius.. I honestly think hopkins will retire soon with the ability to keep fighting for many more years, honestly, he's a specimen, I am so impressed.. I hope to be dunking 40"+ at his age, loool.

I think he will destroy pascal in the rematch, there's really no way pascal will recover from that kind of mindfucking he experienced.. He got completely dominated, and his conditioning will never be good enough to keep him in the fight from rounds 7+. Hopkins got him on lock.


Any news about the rematch? I don't know if it's just talk or if it's being decided

Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: Adding muscle while losing fat
« on: December 20, 2010, 10:09:33 pm »
Is dietary cycling and periodization out of fashion now?  I've always been a big believer in the statement that  nutrition should be like your training program.  Meaning it should be phased and there should be a reason and a strategy to how you eat.  I mean, you wouldn't train ME every single day, so why would you eat low carb/high protein or whatever all the time? 

Just wondering, How did you get so knowledgable about training? Did you get a degree or something mang?

I read your journal bio, but can't remember how you learned so much lol(btw your journal bio is EPIC mate!)

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Cskin gettin up nicely!@!
« on: December 20, 2010, 10:03:01 pm »

You really need a better view to compare imo
I don't think you are at the same point in the jump either

and LMFAO at adarq looking like he dropping a deuce hahaha

Program Review / Re: Free to Fly - jumptrainee1
« on: December 20, 2010, 09:46:31 pm »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

straight up respect for that dedication in that vid..mang a shit load of stuff went wrong and they still worked through it

It would be great to have him her imho. He seems to be knowledgable (though the squats had some bad roudning)

MOVIES & ENTERTAINMENT & SHeeT! / Re: Loney Island - i just had sex
« on: December 20, 2010, 06:11:13 pm »!

i happen to find that video hilarious, the song is actually a little catchy. these are the same guys that made that "im on a boat" song.

"it felt so good when i did it with my penis"

ROTFLOL!!!!!!!!!!!! though not as funny as on a boat imo

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: The Motivational Thread
« on: December 20, 2010, 06:09:03 pm »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

I don't know where to put this, but damn!!! his form is not always 100% perfect but who cares

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Kingfish
« on: December 20, 2010, 03:46:53 pm »
How can you get pinned with 135 lbs?

no focus at all and losing balance :headbang:

I'm guessing pinned means stuck?

I was jumping a lot (daily) maximally and didn't have a problem when I was younger (16-18 years old). Very light at that time, ~67 kg (147 lbs) in bodyweight, so not a lot of damage on the bones and joints I guess. It really really helped ingrain my movement efficiency off one leg... if I didn't have that now I'd probably be soooo much worse than I am.

dagger i think has had some gains from high frequencey max/submax work.He has knee troubles though.

I have thought of that aswell, yet I don't know enough to know if this would work or not. I would as lance/adarq, one of the two will reply here.

Boxing / Re: bernard hopkins vs jean pascal - HOPKINS GOT ROBBED
« on: December 19, 2010, 11:55:30 pm »
you can't get knocked down twice and expect to win bro.

actually, yes you can.. that's two 10-8 rounds, hopkins won pretty much every round besides those two.

I'm agreeing with you, that's the excuse of the homer's that said he tied...hopkins was last knocked down 1995, and he was last knocked down 1994..That's pretty good, especially since he is so old
Pascal wants a rematch, he wanted to win outright...that would be great!

he'd kill pascal in a rematch, pascal is completely shook.

much props to bernard, what a beast at 45, looked 20's in that fight.

there could be a rematch, one final rematch to end the career of hopkins maybe...He has got to give it up soon though 46 is SOOOO old in boxing, got to be feeling some affects

Nope, I got unbanned. I have yet to get banned "again" but I feel it's going to happen.


That is a good article. When I took anatomy, the teacher told me the exact same thing Gettoracer's massage therapist told him.

It's not bad, but it's not good either. If there is no pain, then you might not need to worry about it but read the link above.
If it hurts, see a doctor.


Boxing / Re: bernard hopkins vs jean pascal - HOPKINS GOT ROBBED
« on: December 19, 2010, 04:14:34 pm »
you can't get knocked down twice and expect to win bro.

actually, yes you can.. that's two 10-8 rounds, hopkins won pretty much every round besides those two.

I'm agreeing with you, that's the excuse of the homer's that said he tied...hopkins was last knocked down 1995, and he was last knocked down 1994..That's pretty good, especially since he is so old
Pascal wants a rematch, he wanted to win outright...that would be great!


hahaha.. nice..

i once outran my friend, who was much faster than me.. fastest kid in elementary school, so this is when we were young.. some gangmember thugs came after us and we bolted, and i remember vividly outrunning him for like 200 yards or so.. haha.. we were sprinting max as hell.. any other day though he'd smoke me.. this kid could dunk on 9' hoops in like 5th grade he was nuts.

now he's a chronic weed smoker with no hops.


what kind of kid can dunk on 9ft in 5th grade? that dude is a beast, and that fact he smokes weed makes him cool
I don't think gang members were really after you, cuz they probably smoke so much that they can't run..they probably just wanted to scare you(if they really wanted to get you, they woulda gotten a car lol)

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