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Messages - steven-miller

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Im not really a beginner as i did do some lifting as you can see from my numbers unless you mean a beginner in hypertrophy then yes im new to hypertrophy training.

When I am saying beginner I don't mean you never trained. I mean that you are weak in comparison to what you could be if you trained for it. Also your understanding of programming makes it clear that you are a beginner, I don't even have to look at your lifts for that (although I have and they confirm you as an early novice lifter).
Be smart and do what LBSS suggested initially or something along that lines. Really drop all the unnecessary assistance exercises as well. Eat for progress, do sets of 5 in the big compound movements and increase lifts every time and you will be on your way quickly.

you've never heard of main lift + accessory lifts, steven-miller?

Sure I "heard" of it. Does not make it useful for a beginner though. You add accessory lifts when main lifts get stuck as an intermediate lifter. Other than that I don't see the need for too much variety.

meh, i guess i agree in principle but the dude wants to do lots of stuff -- did you see the OP?!?! -- and obviously has the time. so what's the harm? starting strength is not the end-all and be-all of beginner hypertrophy programs.

if i wanted to bulk just to bulk, i'd definitely be doing multiple pushes and multiple pulls for my upper body. i guess i'm intermediate but i would recommend that shit to someone just starting out, too.

I did not say that SS was the end-all be-all of anything but you are right in that I have something pretty similar in mind when talking about an optimal lifting program for a beginner. I would not claim that there cannot be something more effective but if there is I don't know about it. Do you?

Now, what's the harm in doing too many assistance exercises that early... The harm is that they take away regeneration capacities that could be used to get stronger in the basics more quickly. So assistance exercises in the beginning are actually hindering progress in the big lifts. When your training goal revolves around getting a very big biceps and nothing else then maybe you would have to attack things differently. But for overall hypertrophy big compound movements are obviously the way to go.

you've never heard of main lift + accessory lifts, steven-miller?

Sure I "heard" of it. Does not make it useful for a beginner though. You add accessory lifts when main lifts get stuck as an intermediate lifter. Other than that I don't see the need for too much variety.

Ok i will get rid of the bulgarian split squats as i am just trying to improve my major lift numbers and add on some muscle mass a little not to be a bodybuilder.

With added muscle mass, more muscle fibres available then before to utilize correct.

Final Workout.

DAY 1, 3 & 5

Squat: 3-4X6-8/3' (3-4 sets of 6-8 with a 3' rest)
Flat bench: 3-4X6-8/3'

Romanian DL or regular DL: 3-4X6-8/3'
Calf raise: 3-4X6-8/3'

Row: 3-4X6-8/3'
Incline bench or shoulder press: 2-3X10-12/2'
Pulldown/chin up: 2-3X10-12/2'
Triceps: 1-2X12-15/1.5'
Biceps: 1-2X12-15/1.5'

Hanging Leg Raises 2-3X8-10/2'
Turkish Get Ups 2-3X6-8/3'

Thanks again for your help LBSS and thanks everyone for the tips

I disagree that you should do everything in one work-out. You should not do bench press and incline / shoulder press at the same day. You should not row and chin-up the same day. You don't have to train triceps and biceps right now other than with the compound movements (bench press, incline / overhead press, chin-up, row).
Don't be silly, there is no reason to do everything everyday instead of splitting your volume in half and getting some quality work done.

For my Protein Shake; is maximuscle a good whey protein product.

the proportions for my shake will be 0.8gram per kilo bodyweight and 0.4 grams per kilo bodyweight.

So this is my final workout routine

DAY 1, DAY 3 & DAY 5

ATG Squats
Bulgarian Split Squats
Calf Raises

Clean and Press

Flat Bench Press

Bent Over Rows
Upright Rows
Bicep Curls
Tricep Extensions

Millitary Press

Hanging Leg Raises
Weighted Leg Raises
Turkish Get Ups


P.S Lying Tricep Extensions or Dips

I would rather do what LBSS outlined earlier. There is too much redundancy in there. It's not even about bigger and smaller, main and assistance exercises, this is just too much stuff and you won't progress the weights as fast as you could with less volume. With your current strength levels you should worry about getting strong in a handful of big lifts and add assistance exercises later - when it becomes necessary.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Kingfish
« on: August 02, 2011, 05:55:34 am »

i thought miller was dipping so low on his SVJs until i vid mine. lol

Haha, there you have it, lol. You jump a lot higher than me though, sick video with the two-handed dunks from standstill.

How can the observation that the cheetah can artificially "lengthen" its limbs by flexion / extension of the spine be conveyed to human running? That only works when sprinters would suddenly decide to use their arms to run as well.

1) limit the repetitions to five and fewer;
2) increase the rest intervals between sets to a duration of three to five minutes;
3) limit the number of sets to two;
4) pause and relax between reps;
5) do not practice a lift more than five times a week.

What do you guys think? he explains each point individually so ill update that info if you guys want.

They are neither completely right nor completely wrong, it depends on training stage a lot, on the exercise as well as a number of other factors. You cannot train based on those principles alone because you can make a program that works from it and also one that won't work well at all.

That is looking very good, especially the first jump. Now get stronger and you should be able to dunk soon enough.

Vid is private man!

Why don't you write a mail to Andy Bolton to ask him if he could still deadlift over 1000 lbs if he was 180 lbs?.

Original Link:

Your reasoning skills are impressive.

How can mass be detrimental when the execution of any athletic act requires the presence of a physical body in the first place?.

Andy Bolton has a twin brother.

Andy Bolton 1 weighs 350lbs.
Andy Bolton 2 weighs 180lbs.
Both can lift the same numbers & all others factors remain constant.

They perform some athletic testing.

Which Andy Bolton can jump the highest, run the fastest & furthest?. And why?.

Why don't you write a mail to Andy Bolton to ask him if he could still deadlift over 1000 lbs if he was 180 lbs?

Raptor, dude, what can I say? Of course you can have this opinion, but you cannot possibly wonder about the reactions...

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: Handstand Pushups
« on: July 22, 2011, 11:02:48 am »
I care about it because by not saying something explicitly it is not being made accessible to discussion. You might imply something that could be viewed critically, but by not explicitly saying so you dodge being made accountable for it.

I am NOT saying that this is what Damien did here. But I have a problem with this kind of response in general because of what I explained above. If you want to make a point, have the balls to say it directly or don't bring it up at all.

I don't know. It just makes sense for me. By the same token, why does closing your eyes demand a more proprioceptive signal from you when moving around?

Well, for me it does not. When you make a point like that it would be good if you had arguments in favor of it, don't you agree?

Also, I don't understand your question. What is a "more proprioceptive signal"? And what does that have to do with our discussion?

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