Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: FP's log
« on: July 28, 2018, 08:23:22 pm »
-Squat: 365 5*1
-Jump squat: 145 5*4
--squat movement efficiency could be better: on set 4 I had a perfect squat rep and felt like I could have done another relatively easily. If I can get most of my reps like that a PR might be on the table soon. Core a little wobbly during warmups and first workset
SL eccentric, DL concentric half pistols (5:0:1):
R: 135*8, 175*8, 185*8, 205*8
L: 135*8, 155*8, 165*8, 185*8
-first few sets wobbly, last sets felt strong. (+) weight
seated OHP: 105 2*5
-unusually weak
box jumps: 5*5
Rows: 160 3*8
-Squat: 365 5*1
-Jump squat: 145 5*4
--squat movement efficiency could be better: on set 4 I had a perfect squat rep and felt like I could have done another relatively easily. If I can get most of my reps like that a PR might be on the table soon. Core a little wobbly during warmups and first workset
SL eccentric, DL concentric half pistols (5:0:1):
R: 135*8, 175*8, 185*8, 205*8
L: 135*8, 155*8, 165*8, 185*8
-first few sets wobbly, last sets felt strong. (+) weight
seated OHP: 105 2*5
-unusually weak
box jumps: 5*5
Rows: 160 3*8