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Messages - CoolColJ

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Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« on: December 11, 2019, 03:35:13 am »
Wednesday 11th December 2019

Shoulders and lower erectors achey, but not much else is, and CNS does not feel drained!
Legs surprisingly are not sore, even with that single AMRAP set - they actually feel bulgey and nicely toned  :D
Seems skipping the upper body stuff and my sub-maximal training keeps you much fresher.

Survey says I should jump well tomorrow... but we shall see....


band pull apart star drill - low tension x10 reps each of the 3 axis directions
band dislocates 1x20
dislocate broom stick stretch x 1+min
various thoracic mobility work

soft tissue work on subscapularis
stretches, tons for subscapularis - recommended for anyone that sits a lot... this is what is holding me back on a good squat bar position, plus pecs

64 min walk/hike

mid way through walk
backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2+ mins

20 hour fast
2800 calorie burn

plan to eat 1700 calories

so how you feel tomorrow

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« on: December 10, 2019, 06:20:31 pm »
damn good work on that weight loss. :highfive:

lots of weight loss going on lately around here.

Thanks, almost a 45lb plate worth of weight, boggles the mind when you think about it!  :ninja:

When you put it that way, it’s insane!

Yeah it is, but my overall jump didn't increase as much as I expected
But it's still only a relatively small % of my overall weight.

Also it seems the higher you jump the more noticeable changes in weight are.
And the lighter you get the more relative increase each drop in weights becomes.

^ front delts you mean :)

High elbows and inwards

can always wrap a towel around the bar

i cannot do heavy full paused back squats anymore.... due to weight loss, structural slight change, and loss of padding from the groove on upper back.

FS works fine but is there a good replacement for full back oly squats for now before i figure out what is the issue?

Also Safety squat bar - unless you train at a powerlifting type gym you will need to buy one for your home gym

I'm actually thinking about getting one... nice pads for shoulder, and you can squat more upright

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« on: December 10, 2019, 02:27:09 am »
Tuesday 10th December 2019

band pull apart star drill - 10 reps each axis
band dislocates x20
soft tissue work and release session at home
Banded ankle work at home

bodyweight without shoes -  86.7 kg - ugh heavy today


BBall practice session - 45 mins
dribble, shooting practice, high intensity moves and layups
A few jumps at the end

City was smokey as hell from bushfires - like mist/fog thick!
So I figure playing outdoors was a bad idea... so went to a nearby Indoor court...It wass kinda smokey inside as well....
Measured the rim at 0.25inch lower than 10 feet, backboard pad was 9'5"
Could only touch the pad an inch or so from L-R plant jump, so only a 9'6" touch today :/

I prefer outdoor courts, hard to judge depth perception since there is no contrasty sky!  :ninja:
Wooden floor didn't really make the landings any softer, but better for the ball and shoe wear

back at home

supported ATG split squat BW x10

facing down garage slope, in oly shoes

rotating sets between the squats
front squat first rep paused - 40kg x5

High bar squat all paused - 40kg x5+1 hold at bottom for 10 deep breaths, 60kg x5, 80kg x2 ( second rep regular)
normal reps - 80kg x2, 100kg x 1

70% of e1RM - 3 mins rests - explosive - 90kg 3x5
5 mins rest - AMRAP 90kg x 12 @ RPE 9

Squats felt uncomfortable today, but I guess 90kg is starting to get light enough to throw around now, +2 reps since the last time I did an AMRAP with it 3 weeks ago, with a rep in the tank.
Puts e1RM at 130-135kg, 286-297lbs
Was undecided if I would do an AMRAP today, but what the hell, just went for it.

Kettbell swing onto toes 24kg x6, x12
clean grip deadlift + RDL combo - deadlift, lowered to knee, RDL back up, then lowered under control RDL style back to floor 100kg x 6 combos -  3 reps normal, 3 reps hooked grip
Good morning onto toes 40kgx5,  60kg x9
front squat support 90kg x10 secs, 100kg x10 secs, 105kg x 40 secs

Deadlift+RDL combo feeling easier now at 100kg, time to go up in weight, but my grip is not keeping up....

Rotating between each exercise - 1+ mins rest
+ = 30secs rest
Peterson step ups - leaning forward a bit to activate glutes - barbell -  5 inch +40kg x15, 45kg x 15
Wall tib raise - body at 45 degree angle - BW x19 @RPE 9, x16
barbell calf raise - - 80kg x25 @RPE 8

Single leg kneeling deadlift - BW x12
leg lowering ab move - slow and controlled BW x 9 reps
One arm loaded carries 24kg kettlebell x 60 secs walk around front yard, then backwards walk

released upper traps on loaded bar



skipped upper body today, might do it next session day.


3500+ calorie burn for today, not including weights

plan to eat 2700 calories

there are no secrets in the world of jumping.
If you look around, a lot of the Pro Dunkers lift weights - how much force you put into the ground is helped by having larger and stronger legs and hips, if your not born with them naturally

If you think about throwing an object as heavy as your body into the air, how would you improve that ability?
Easy, get a lot stronger so the body is relatively easy to fling around.
For the same reasons shotputters build a big bench press, yet the human body is far heavier than a shotput!

If you have to buy a product, I would recommend Vertical Jump Bible by Kelly Baggett.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Interesting stuff. Makes me want to play around with like 6 sets of 6 with stuff left in the tank every set. Would probably feel incredible after the workout too without having the fatigue, but having the endorphins etc

That's how I'm squatting right now, pretty much - I do less than 50% of the rep maxes at 70-75-80%, cycling between each intensity range, per workout
Although I may drop the 80% range soon, and use 65% sets of 7, dropping to 6 after 3 sets, 70% sets of 5, dropping to 4 after 3 sets... and 75% sets of 4 dropping to 3 after 3 sets.
I can feel the bar speed slow down, and a bit more strain right at that point, which is when the largest, fastest, and less fatigue resistant muscle fibers are starting to drop out, hence the slower bar speed.

Training this way suits me better, as heavy loads spook me, and burn me out fast, and cause me more aches and pains.
Plus I train after BBall and jumping

So in theory if you stop all work sets at that point, your only developing the largest and fastest fibers, while keeping the slower ones mostly untrained...
So they are less likely to get in the way of explosiveness, and receive less damage so recovery overall is also better
That's the training model I'm subscribing to right now, anyway.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« on: December 09, 2019, 06:55:49 am »
Monday 9th December 2019

Achey knees and ankles, but felt better after walk and dinner.
Shoulders also quite achey
CNS feels OK despite all the jumping yesterday.


band pull apart star drill - low tension x10 reps each of the 3 axis directions
band dislocates 1x20
dislocate broom stick stretch x 1+min
various thoracic mobility work

65 min walk/hike

mid way through walk
backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2+ mins

14 hour dry fast, 3 hours with water
2700 calorie burn

ate 1900 calories

Some ex phys folks working at Cern just released some very compelling research captured in the infographic below

So you get 90% of the benefit of a set by stopping 4 reps from failure in a 10RM load...

Israetel has been talking about this too, (stimulus to fatigue ratio)

Because sets done with more than 5 reps in reserve cause so little growth but cause some fatigue, they aren’t the best way to train in most cases. And while sets taken to total failure or beyond cause the best growth, they also cause so much fatigue that training with them consistently is not sustainable. It’s likely that a middle ground of training, mostly done between 3 and 1 reps in reserve (RIR), is where you can benefit by training most often. Perhaps starting your mesocycles at around 4 RIR and matching reps week to week as you slowly add more weight to the bar and thus lowering your RIR until you reach failure is a viable form of training. After failure, you deload to drop fatigue, and start a new mesocycle at 4 RIR or so.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« on: December 08, 2019, 04:21:12 am »
damn good work on that weight loss. :highfive:

lots of weight loss going on lately around here.

Thanks, almost a 45lb plate worth of weight, boggles the mind when you think about it!  :ninja:

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« on: December 08, 2019, 01:57:08 am »
Sunday 8th December 2019

Only 6 hours of deep sleep last night, but don't feel too bad
Some general overall muscular aches

bodyweight without shoes - 85kg

3 level ext rotated band pull apart - to forehead, shoulder, sternum  - low tension x 5 each
band pull apart star drill - low tension x12 reps

soft tissue work at home for whole body

BBall practice session - 95 mins

dribble, shooting practice, and intense dribble and moves.
40 mins worth of jumps and dunks, lob practise on 8 feet netball rim

felt decent

Vertical still down, but I gained a bit on L-R plant running jump.
Just about a 9'8" touch, whole hand over 9 feet backboard, so about 28 inches now

Starting to get the hang of a proper R-L plant at least off a step, the hard part is the timing of the arm swing.
I normally do my R-L plant by running up and stepping like a L-R jump, but turn my body in the air after the penultimate step, so I land in the R-L plant position :)
So it will take time to reprogram this....

I think I overdid the jumps at the end....left knee got a little achey towards the end.

Bent over band pull aparts with ext rotation 2x12
Ext rotated band pull apart into snatch grip front raise 2x12



short walk to uphill path

backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 1+ mins x 2 sets


17 hour fast

3600 calorie burn
ate 2700+ calories

Weighed 83.8kg before I got in the shower  :o

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« on: December 07, 2019, 05:36:03 pm »
Sunday 8th December 2019

Week 16
Height - 5'8.5"
weighed - 84.9kg (-1.5 ) 187.2lbs
waist - 34.5 inches (-0.25)
hip = 40 (-0.5)
upper thigh = 25.5

Tanita scale bodyfat% = 22 (-0.2)

Total loss so far - weight  18.4kg 40.6lbs  Waist 8 3/8 inches  BF% Tanita 10.3%

Didn't think I would crack 85kg this week but somehow I had a big woosh last night
Not much waist drop despite that, maybe my erectors grew as well.
And my legs feel much bigger and the measurements, or the no change seems to back that up.

I feel my real BF% is closer to 20% at least but the Tanita has not budged much since 2 weeks ago.
The Navy formula says I'm 18%
I have skin calipers, but too lazy to use, but it should be ok now as my skinfolds are easier to grab at this stage.

I should take some progress pics today.


Been thinking of changing the 2 rest days before my sessions into maintenance days
Which also happen to be the growth/recovery days after the previous training days
This would slow down the fat loss by 25%, but allow me to jump, train, and get stronger way faster

current schedule
day1 - Bball/jump/train
day2 - 1 hour of walking- with 2+ mins of backwards walking up a hill in the middle
day3 - BBall/jump
day4 - walk - as above

So if day 2 and 4 are at maintenance, the gains and recovery from day 1 and 3 would improve, and in turn allow for better performance on those days


Still have that pain and needles feeling at the front right foot, along with tenderness in my frontal outer ankle, which still hasn't changed much in 2 weeks.

Some aches still present from last training session

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Reboot - get lean, get hops
« on: December 07, 2019, 03:54:19 am »
Saturday 7th December 2019

Legs fairly sore compared to normal. The usual level of aches everywhere else.

dry fasted

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

band pull apart star drill - low tension 2x10 reps each of the 3 axis directions   (dang, pulling my left arm above horizontal like this no longer hurts! can also feel the pec minor stretch)
band dislocates 1x20
dislocate broom stick stretch x 1+min
various thoracic mobility work

64 min walk/hike

mid way through walk
backward walking up a 20-30 degree sloped path x 2+ mins

14 hour dry fast, 3 hours with water
2700 calorie burn

plan to eat 1500-1600 calories

I would go from fast to slow

so jumps, pogos, snatches, squat, deadlifts

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