Friends! Been a bit. Last program went well. Managed to match my old PRs, except squats because I was working almost entirely on fronts.
Biggest PR a couple months ago, especially after my shoulder never fully recovering, was being able to front squat 165lbs for 4x10. Doesn't seem like a huge number but after so many years of not being able to put much weight on my shoulder, it made me pretty happy that I could go ATG on a front squat with more than bodyweight
Last couple months have been all coaching hurdles for the track team where I teach. Not much weightlifting going on. Lots of good PRs from my athletes. One of my seniors is about a third of a second from the school record in the 300m hurdles. I have two freshman I've coached who are both top ten in the 100h and 110h for our region. It's so satifying seeing young kids I've coached in a sea of upperclassmen!
Anyway, I've been focused on that so no real lifting other than moving tons of hurdles around every day. Will start a new phase at the end of the school year and hopefully get some PRs on every lift by the end of the summer.
EDIT: mid-season I started getting really sick. Got on antibiotics. After about a week on them I was feeling better. The night I got back from a band trip with my students to new york my uvula was super swollen and I could lay it out on my tongue. It was really hard to swallow. Turns out I was allergic to the antibiotics I was on. They put me on a steroid to fight the inflammation. I lost about 5-7 pounds during that month, but most of it is back now that I'm feeling better, eating more again without puking, and doing some more demonstrating and jogging with the kids I coach.