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Messages - zbiz

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i suspect the reason i jammed my arm in clip #2 is because i'm taking off at an angle, but i have no idea. it hurt

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
btw i was very sleep deprived and tired, i need to follow adarquis guidelines for jump day eating, like 12 bananas .. i guess the only reason i didnt is because im not eating sugar during the week except after workouts =|  "slow carb diet" to cut fat

I get that you're an expert bro.  Your post count tells me everything I need to know. 

In my dreams  :ibjumping:  like you. 

Don't get this wrong or as an offense to you. It's just that people here don't like Hiller because he sells bullshit information like the "leg press > squats" nonsense that everyone who has done this for a while knows it's a bunch of crap.
I would not claim to be an expert in jump training but I have made some pretty reasonable gains and everyone who did as well here will tell you that you need to squat, especially if you are not very strong to begin with. Squats will build strength that is applicable to jumping (unlike the leg press, which basically does nothing) because it not only trains the legs, but the entire kinetic chain or what you would refer to as "the core" and provides a much better stimulus for the CNS as well.

noted, from here on out squats gonna be replacing leg press


18 asked for help, don't try to bash someone for complying to you. Squat, son.

my bad i be gettin defensive a lot   :-[

I get that you're an expert bro.  Your post count tells me everything I need to know. 

In my dreams  :ibjumping:  like you. 

I get paid to overthink ..... but I see how its not valuable in some contexts ..... my bad for real.

 Any way Thanks guys I'll start doing mil presses.  And I'm doing leg presses since thats what Jacob Hiller recommends in his ebook :-X


Pavel calls this "power breathing" and it's actually the way we breathe when we're babies (before we mess breathing up). Luckily enough, I already breath naturally through the belly.

Holla, that's legit  :ibjumping:
What's the best way to learn about Pavel's power breathing, I hear he teaches classes ?


Just get stronger and this will take care of it. A bigger squat and press are going to be good movements to accomplish that.

Yeah I will have to switch from leg press to squats soon.

What kind of press do you mean ? Leg press ?  Military press ?

Can you give me some more info on bracing my core?

In fact just the other day at the gym someone told me that in my jump i need to hold my core steady and jump upwards with my upper body and shoulders straight, aggressively toward the rim...

whoa hold my breath between reps? and then breath out and in, moderately, in between? veryy interesting.  i will have to try it

I have noticed that on some days my breathing is really deep and well timed and it just helps me push through tons of more weight  :personal-record:

But I don't know what I'm doing... some days I do the right thing and 90% of the time I am just randomly breathing

What is the right way to breathe while lifting?

(I am looking to train the same muscles as a ham curl)

I have access to other machines and free weights  :strong: but my gym does not have a ham curl machine.

It's ok though since it's otherwise a free gym provided by the city... :)

zbiz, what i meant is,he said that we wouldnt wanan stretch our low back with our hamstrings. so my questino relates to that. what if i noto nly have tihgt hamstring, but have a stiff bak too? I meant  certainly our back should have a certain amoutn of flexibility too rihgt>?

and daballa thanks alot man. gnnna try those stretches n see how it goes:)

no problem, and you're welcome.

thank you too


Thanks for the tip on the RDLs! It reminds me of Yoga.
I'll also add the Good morning stretches.

Why don't you want your lower back stretched?

You don't wanna stretch your low back with your hamstrings, so that when you do an exercise that may take your ham flexibility to the limit, like say a squat for some people, or a deadlift, you're not stretching the hamstring with the back rounded(atleast you shouldn't).  Generally, you wanna make a clear difference between flexion/extension of the waist, and flexion/extension of the hip joint.  Generally if you're flexing at the hip, you wouldn't want to develop the habit of flexing at the waist at the same time.  Same goes for extension, you wanna use your glutes, not low back.

so daballa100 what if i have a stiff back, at the same time have not so flexible hamstrings and calves?

Ditto on PointerRyan's question, mostly because I just think more info will help me better understand.
To clarify what you're saying, is if I'm beding my waist i do NOT want to be bending my hip, correct?

And if I'm doing leg extensions I need to be usin my glutes

Good morning stretch... I don't like reach stretches, because they also stretch my lower back. I don't want that.

Also, RDLs! They stretch the hamstrings like crazy, especially since there's resistance. Do some light RDL's and you'll feel it.

Thanks for the tip on the RDLs! It reminds me of Yoga.
I'll also add the Good morning stretches.

Why don't you want your lower back stretched?

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