I'm a month early or a year late but here we go - update time! Was reading the logs and got inspired by AGC's kid vertec thing. I have been dabblign in jumping again recently after about 5 years off and i think the vertec might be the thing that gets me back in the logs
weight training wise, won't go into the usual boring lifts but keep it to the lifts i am excited about right now. finally made some progress on bench press. tripled 100kg for the frist time which was a milestone. I'm now resetting back to 90kg ish and trying to master that for 8 reps then progressing up from there. I got 7x87.5kg last time, 90kg hopefully this week. Also started doing barbell rows - set myself a lofty goal of 8x100kg in the next two months time. I'm on 77.5kg atm - not bad considering i've never done them.
i let myself go massively this year, i'm about 10kg too heavy right now at 97kg, after maintaining a healthy/strong 85kg for two years, so that sucks but it's a starting point. not actively dieting, just trying to get a routine of eating well and training well first and then can revisit.