Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scrawny to Brawny Journal
« on: March 24, 2013, 09:17:47 am »
Awesome facility, damn you Americans
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If only we had a Chipotle here. Oh, man... I think I'd be set for a while. Haha
Last few days have been quite good. Been eating very well, not necessarily very clean, but it's been very good.
Front Squats: 105x5, 135x5, 165x3x6
BB Rows: 135x3x8
Standing DB Press: 40sx5, 45x2x5
Single-arm DB Press: 35x6, 35x8 Not terribly difficult but I'll be doing more of this stuff to even out my shoulders in mass and strength since the left remains substantially weaker from poor emphasis on recovery after my injury a few years ago.
Deadlifts: 205x5, 225x5, 245x5
Yeah and stuff. Pretty alright day. Starting to get my strength back, just from being more consistent lately. It's helping stress levels and mood during the school day too. I've been less tense lately, even despite the fact that I have a nutrition class test tomorrow (IRONIC, RIGHT?), music history paper due Tuesday, music history test Thursday.
Feels good, mang. Even my mood at work is better. Just throw my headphones on, vacuum, feel like dancing, smile at the pretty college ladies as they walk by. Can't say I feel really fantastic, but it's quite the change from the piss-poor, moody, depressed self from 3 or 4 weeks ago.
how is four meals in a day, one at the beginning of waking hours and one at the end of waking hours, leangains or even low meal frequency.
eating slightly above maintenance (+500cal) for gradual weight gain shouldn't be too hard, considering your a student.
Ha.... the problem is I'm not a typical student. Wednesdays throw me off the worst.
6:30: wake up, get dressed, pack stuff, drive to campus
7:30: trumpet routine
8:30: Music theory (which I've been having a snack during lateley)
9:30: Conducting (no food here, I'm waiving a stick around)
10:30: Trumpet lesson (can't really eat while I play)
11:30: Trumpet masterclass (again... no eating)
12:30: tiny break where I get a chance to eat something small before playing again)
13:00: Jazz Orchestra (definitely no eating)
14:00: First real break. Lunch time
15:00-16:30: Wind orchestra. (Director of bands would probably revoke some of my scholarship money if I was eating during his rehearsals)
16:40-18:00: Symphony orchestra. (No food allowed again)
18:00-21:00: Vacuuming at work. (With a backpack type vacuum, drains a lot of energy)
You tell me it's easy to eat above maintenance on a day like that. Most days aren't quite that bad, but I stay pretty busy. Excuses aside, I've been doing a lot better with eating habits, and I'm getting on the upside of things again for the first time in months.
If anyone remembers, I had knee tendonitis for months and months straight. I tried many different stretches and exercises, but in the end, NOTHING helped more than simply foam rolling the IT bands, and then activating my VMO's, then ATG squatting. After squat sessions I would remember both my VMO's being very sore. Now the soreness is gone as they are used to the stress, but they will grow as my squat grows.
I haven't read this entire thread, but maverickdawid, have you tried foam rolling your IT bands? Do about 4 sets of 10 slow rolls back and forth and see how it feels. After that I would activate my VMO's and then do my workout or go play basketball.
Also, the best VMO activation I found was doing single leg knee extensions, but only the negatives. You REALLY gotta load it... bring up the bar with two feet, then drop one of your feet, and lower it slowly with the other foot. I have read that activation works better when doing heavy negatives and I tried it out. Ended up working for me.