« on: November 07, 2012, 12:16:58 pm »
I just finished the base mesocycle of smolov on Monday. As I rest this week, I am wondering what a good way to transition back into the texas-method style training I was doing before would be, so that I can retain most of the gains from the mesocycle. I came up with these 2 options:
1) Just go back to the texas-method type training and on the squat volume workout just use the same weight from the 7 x 5 as I was during smolov and work from there. On the intensity day I would work with a weight close to my 3-5 rep max (not sure what it is now post-smolov).
2) Or I was thinking that for 2 weeks I could have some workouts with higher intensity and lower volume then I was doing. On both Monday and Friday I could work up to a max single (90-95% of my true max) and then drop the weight by 10% and do 2-3 sets of 2-3 reps. Reason I though about this was that I want to kind of solidify whatever my new max is. After these 2 weeks I could go back to the texas-method style training.
Which option, if any, do you think would be better for keeping whatever gains I make from this base mesocycle? Or do you think I'm over-thinking it, and should just do whatever I feel?