We lost by 12 annnnnd I played one of the worst games EVER by my standards, what made it worse is we had no subs this game due to being down two guys tonight. I can't figure out why but I had zero energy during the game, just could not get going mentally or physically. Very weird. It was like my body was still on vacation even though my mind was screaming at it to go. I'm blaming this loss squarely on me, if I play half of my normal game we should beat this team easily. SO...I was understandably upset/angry when I got home and figured the only fix was to hit the weights.
Bodyweight was 173 pre lifting. 174 before the game and 173 this morning.
Depth Jumps x2
Box Jumps x2
4" deficit deadlifts:
135x2 225x2 275x1, 295x1 315x1 335x1, 275x2. 335 was a semi struggle, honesty surprised I got it after a week off and a game.
Squats (no bands):
135x2 225x2 275x1, 315x1 335x1, 275x2. Forgot my bands. :/ Ok though, I didn't plan on lifting to heavy on my first session back from deload.
Ham Curls:
120lbs x5, x5, x5.
jump squats:
50lbs x3 BW x3
calf raises:
450lbs x6, 500lbs x6, x6.
Tossed in some Hypers and core work. Found where I'm losing weight as well (besides the fat), bench press is down a bit as is military press. They'll come back around.
Overall not a bad first session back.