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Messages - undoubtable

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Chris, do you think that playing ball helps with your vert training? I really feel like it must, I mean you're playing a lot of competitive games. In my opinion that nice mix of individual training sessions mixed with competitive activity involving jumping makes a big difference.

I know that not focusing on vert right now I can't get too high while training but a few times I've played ball and we've gone down, the CNS and competitiveness will just take over and I find myself jumping at levels I used to. I've seen the same thing training kids in soccer, there are one's that compete for the club and one's that just train. The one's that just train don't seem to progress as much because they lack the motivation from what I've seen.

I dunno, do we have anyone training almost completely solitary on this site whose made huge strides in vert and can counter that thought? I feel like even Kingfish would play pickup games to rev up CNS.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: beast
« on: July 28, 2015, 04:16:44 pm »
David Wilson trying to make the Olympic team as a triple jumper!! Definitely a beast in character and determination, not to mention physique... I hope he goes far, there's just so much mass for 3 jumps at top speed, maybe he'll continue to lean out

These look a lot smoother than jumps I've seen in the past. Keep it up man, you're definitely on the right track!

315 x 3 Squat PR @ ~ 177 BW

Action starts 50s in. Working on keeping that back straighter.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Edit Note: Took me literally 6 tries to get the link on here

This is a nice excerpt I pulled out from the main article. Found here:

"I have explained already, one size and way doesn’t fit all. I can tell you that an ideal program would contain this: Jump Circuits, in place single and double leg plyos, plyos with movement i.e. hurdle hops, alternating bounds, power skips(a mix of single and double leg work), actual time spent trying to dunk or attempting to run and jump up to something, sprint training which would include acceleration and eventually even some top speed work, medball throws to develop explosive power and triple extension, weight room work which would include Olympic lifts(if appropriate), squat jumps and other power type exercises, true strength work such as squat, deadlift and various types of lunges, some core work both in the form of circuits and also in the weight room with more of a strength emphasis, mobility work including static and dynamic stretches, also possible general coordination work in the form of sprint drills or hurdle drills in order to improve body awareness and coordination. " (Eric Broadbent)

Article & Video Discussion / Re: Gerald Green head over rim analysis
« on: December 04, 2012, 06:00:18 pm »
yeah, your run-up is waaayy too slow, stiff, and upright. If you're jumping 34 with that technique, you could definitely be at 40+ with a proper run-up. Watch porter mayberry and zack jones

first sentence is true. second sentence might be true but is fucking useless to me because i can't do a proper run up. simply have not figured out how to do one. if you've got any advice other than "watch these supremely talented people" i'm all ears.

I think playing competitive pick up games could really help you. When I was jumping my highest I would play bball 2-3 times a week. Nearly every play I was involved, whether going up for a rebound, block, layup, etc I would try to jump my highest. It got to the point where my friends/ teamates would get pissed bc I would do stupid shit sometimes but I didn't care. It definitely worked and I would consistently jump higher and jump high often. It become really effortless for me to do so. You can also jump high at the rim in between games or during a break. With adrenaline going those would usually be my highest jumps.

When I look at a rim just coming in to the gym, it looks super high and the last thing on my mind is jumping for it. But when you start playing ang get your adrenaline flowing and blood rushing it'll come naturally. You don't have to think about your plant or think at all and the good jumps start coming naturally and good technique will become second nature.

If there's no way for you to get involved in pick up games I would maybe think of other ways of potentiating your nervous system. Maybe with you, the squat would be most appropriate. Try squatting heavy but not tiring yourself out and after 15-20 minutes of rest go for the big jumps. I've had this work with sprinting where I felt my acceleration was a lot better.

Pics, Videos, & Links / Re: so i met this model last night
« on: December 01, 2012, 11:08:24 am »
We could have a section for discussing women, relationships, getting laid stories...?

I think she's beautiful in the no makeup picture. Nice smile. The woman below is pretty too.

x2 on creating that section it would be fun. My stories would consist of mostly awkward moments and failing miserably but that creates a lot of laughs and great memories.

I also think the girl looks good in her non-modeling pic with a genuine smile. The modeling pics are just wow.

Article & Video Discussion / Re: People should watch this
« on: July 15, 2012, 11:18:05 pm »
Quote from: denisbeck on P&B
Then while I was up I got hungry, so I woke my hoochie momma up and made her cook me a meal to get more calories. Yeah she bitched sometimes, but I told her if she ever wanted me to deliver the goods, she better get her ass otta bed. That lit a fire under her ass let me tell you. Hehe.

Lmao, that's a real man if I've ever seen one. What a hero.

ADARQ & LanceSTS - Q&A / Re: Hip thrusts
« on: February 21, 2012, 03:07:00 pm »
I do them for activation and recovery. Before and after a workout, I foam roll my back then do the hip thrust. It seems to work well, I haven't had back pain in a while and hip involvement in the lifts seems to be improving.

When I try the hip thrust with weight I run into the problem of having pain in my hip flexors for the next few days. Not sure how this can be avoided, even did them with the pad and the pain was still there. I dropped them for this reason. Not sure if this is a problem you might run into...

Very nice job man...

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Very nice squats man, congrats. Looks like you left your boy hanging in the end though, lol...

Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: Compression Clothing
« on: December 24, 2011, 08:37:34 pm »
Thanks for the info guys... Its actually really handy because I've had adductor issues for the past 2 years and I need to give it special treatment before and after workouts. I didn't even think of how the shorts could help with this issue. It seems like the best idea for now and I'll wait on more information for the recovery wear.

Nutrition & Supplementation / Compression Clothing
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:19:26 pm »
I'm considering purchasing some sort of compression wear. Since they cost $100 plus, I want to get some opinions. Particularly, I'm interested in compression wear for recovery.

After doing some reading, skins and underarmour do have recovery wear that is backed by some studies as being useful. However, there are other studies that show no difference in time of recovery. If you read reviews, its mostly customers writing on the feel of clothing so that doesn't help much.

Has anyone looked into compression wear? Even if it enhances recovery say by 5% after each workout, I would consider wearing it for 24hours for that benefit. Especially once you think of long term training and better quality and quantity of sessions. I'd also purchase compression wear for performance if there is proof that it actually enhances training. However, I do think the real benefit would be recovery if it is indeed possible.

You always seem to use very high rep half tucks, is there a reason for that?? It seems to be endurance work.

You're squats are very nice btw...

I was watching the deadlift video and thinking Avishek is finally doing something normal.... Then he starts trying to lift the bar with one arm hahaha

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