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Messages - fast does lie

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I'm pretty upset this week.  Earlier last week, I had gotten my BW down to 168 from 181, and still maintained strength.  Ankle got back to 90% late last week so i did some jogging and full court sprints and played 2-3 hours full court bball total.  Due to burning more kcals, I felt it was okay to up my kcal.  Little did I know, that I ended up gaining 8 lbs (probably a lot of water weight because i ate poorly) and losing strength.

So is it possible to be gaining strength while playing 2-3 times of bball per week?  Ultimately though, i must choose between becoming a better bball player or jumping as high as possible, and at 1st, my goal was to use vertical training to make me a better bball player, but i started to fall in love with vertical training.

Basketball / hedo turkoglu tested positive for steriods
« on: February 13, 2013, 08:29:11 pm »

The NBA said Turkoglu tested positive for methenolone, an anabolic steroid. He began serving the suspension Wednesday night when the Magic hosted the Atlanta Hawks.

Turkoglu took full responsibility for the positive test and apologized to the Magic organization, fans and fellow teammates. He said he took medication from a trainer in Turkey this past summer to help him recover from a shoulder injury and mistakenly neglected to check it against the NBA's list of banned substances.

"As a player this is the worst situation that you want to be in," Turkoglu said. "I'm just sorry to put the organization in this situation. ... I should have double-checked and researched and shouldn't be in this situation."

He just made himself look real stupid or a liar.

News, Announcements, & Suggestions / too many forums?
« on: February 07, 2013, 06:28:45 pm »
I know a complete site should have lots of forums, but there's like 50 diff forums with avg of like 20 topics per forum.  So we jump back and forth non stop.

Nutrition & Supplementation / chicken vs beef
« on: February 06, 2013, 03:55:14 pm »
Which one is better?  Factoring in cost.  Beef is obv more expensive.  I've heard "studies" or "findings" that chicken may be hard to digest and/or absorbed because of lechitin.  OBV salmon beats all.

Anyway please discuss. 

Pics, Videos, & Links / fs and dl form check thread
« on: January 30, 2013, 04:44:21 am »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

DL coming soon.  Thanks for feedback.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / the joy of training
« on: January 23, 2013, 05:18:38 pm »
People often say, my goal is to prove somebody wrong.  "All that hard work paid off when I dunked on him and people went nuts," or "all that hard work paid off when i took home the trophy."  My reply would be, stop lying to yourself, but i don't say it because it's not good to be bold enough to the point to cause trouble. 

The payoff is not what you did or the outcome of your hard work.  Hard work in and of itself is the pay off.  When you are content with the present... you will always have joy when you train.  From a psychological standpoint, joy gives you a tremendous advantage over those that are training out of anger.  They are mad at the world.  they are living for somebody else.  they are trying to prove somebody else wrong.  sure in the short run, anger and aggression will give you a boost, but life and training is not a 100m dash but a marathon. 

This past year i took training way too seriously, and in turn, my training hurt pretty badly.  I had to give up training.  and I mean give it up totally... the aspiration of gliding through the air.  And that was when I found new life in my training.  I had to put on the mentality, that if i won't increase another inch of my vertical, that i will be okay with it.  And when I had that mentality, training became joy, and not just training.

I get this tingling pain/discomfort on the anterior side of my calf when I squat down.  It isn't unbearable.  And it's hard to pinpoint where it is coming from, but it is near the outside of the calf and near the knees.  It's not a sharp pain or seem like a serious pain, but a tingling pain.

Sprained my ankle precisely a week ago.  Was on painkillers before sprain, so the amount of pain i felt did not do me justice.  After there was some swelling on the entire side of the foot and bruising.  Now it has gotten somewhat better, but some of the bruising still has yet to go away and there is still slight swelling.  I can walk with a limp but cannot walk normally.

Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / how to front squat
« on: January 14, 2013, 05:29:22 am »
Having trouble with front squats:

a) how to hold weight on shoulders/collar bone so that it doesn't feel painful
b) can't stable weight on shoulder/collar bone
c) arms are not parallel to ground
d) how should the back be

the reason i need to learn front squat is that all this heavy high bar back squat is making my lordosis / anterior pelvic tilt worse.

Basketball / talk about good genes... this dude can't still be 5'6
« on: January 13, 2013, 05:28:16 pm »
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


my left arm press is way behind right arm in strength, especially shoulder press.  What is the best way for left arm to catch up with right arm without having to stall the progress of right arm gaining strength?

1) what tends to be the problem when one's RVJ is virtually the same as SVJ, and maybe even lower?

2) what factors cause one's actual vertical to be so much lower than theoretical vj calculator?  Shorter than average height?  legs to torso ratio?

Being fairly certain I am hip/glute dominant, what can I do to improve?  The majority of my training is full squats, extensions, hamstring, and calf.  I play bball once a week, 1hr, so my reactiveness is poor right now.

Based on vj estimate, I should have ~29in standing vertical.  However, the best i have managed was 27 vj and i can't even replicate that unless the conditions are perfect where my motivation is high (cns good) and have warmup up extensively.  My rvj is almost the same as svj.  This was not the case 8-10 months ago where I was 155lb.

Should i continue full squats and do some half/qtr squats?  and should i worry about the body fat ~25% after i get stronger.  my current full squat is 310.  so cut at 405 full squat?

At what point do you say, "hey, he has to have atleast a 40 inch SVJ" 

For example, this video here:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Guy's gotta 50 in RVJ, but that doesn't guarantee he's got 40 inch SVJ.  he's a lanky dude like a kangaroo. 

So at what point is one's RVJ high enough where he is guaranteed a 40 SVJ?

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