« on: November 23, 2010, 04:08:25 pm »
Raptor, for the half and quarter squats I like to use a higher bar position too, more of a mid bar position similar to what Adarq uses, it supports the heavy loads really well without discomfort and still allows an erect torso position. The combination of the low bar full squats and the high/mid bar partials has worked very well for us, before the low bar full squats there were alot more knee issues. The extra hamstring work has helped tremendously in balancing out the extra quad work from the partials and combining the two has been awesome.
As far as cardio you could do a number of things, I would pick exercises and movements that aid in your sport goal. Kettlebell swings and snatches are top notch, you can set a block of say 10 min aside and gradually increase volume as you adapt in the same time period. For single leg jumpers, one leg line hops, low hurdle hops, single leg jump rope skips, and ankling are extremely beneficial. Your getting some specific work capacity work for your more intensive jump training later on and will notice alot less aches and pains when you transfer the training focus.
You are right about the diet, if you eat a high enough protein content, keep the fat intake high enough to support the hormonal and other needs, you can build muscle while losing fat, the kicker is the carbs. From what you said you are doing it sounds very good, I have also noticed jumping pr's from you lately, hmmmm...... I wouldnt go away from something that is working very well for you to try something based around someone elses theories. You can absolutely add weight to the bar and get stronger as well while maintaining a high protein/mod fat/ and low/timed carb intake. Most of the time the athletes who go on a "bulk" in my experience actually end up with inferior results than the athletes who keep their protein intake very high and monitor the carb intake carefully. You only have so much room for food that you can actually use, putting alot of trash in your gas tank fills the gas intake up but how much of it was actually gas? You will be amazed at what the body can do when its given the right fuel, just as amazing at what happens when given the wrong fuel. There was a quote in the post adarq put up the other day that said "calories arent anabolic, foods are", I love that quote and believe its dead on.