Played 2 hours of pickup ball after an hour of skill work yesterday. Between that and a handful of dunk attempts between every game my legs were fried yesterday so lifted this morning instead of taking the day off.
Thursday Dec 5 2013
BW is hovering in the low 170s again. 171 this morning. Had decent energy when I woke up. Once in the gym it picked up even more so good stuff.
Warmups+ a few jumps (low volume since I've been hooping a lot)
(warmup) 225x3 275x1 315x1 345x1
(worksets) 315x3 x3 x3 225x8.
80lbs 6 rep sets on each leg x3. Figured I'd try these again as an assistance lift, good glute burn. May add weight next time but don't want to burn myself out.
Ham curls
120lbs x10, x10, x10.
60lbs SL x12.
Busted out some SL box jumps at the end for some fun and hit a lightweight chest/tri workout along with my usual ab work. Not bad. Probably lift again Sat.