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Messages - entropy

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Nutrition & Supplementation / Re: Intermittent Fasting
« on: July 27, 2014, 03:45:53 am »
Just anecdotal, when i look at my abs in the PM (as i approach the end of a 24hr fast), i notice lots of green veins. This suggests to me an active blood flow in the area? Like ive been eating into that bodyfat or something haha.

I have a question about visceral fat. It seems my body doesn't burn that all off like it's supposed to around 15%. For some reason it remains intact, dieting doesn't do much if anything for it, i still have that visceral belly :/ But if i start playing basketball i'll quickly lose that inch or two around the belly. it's not subcutaneous fat, only have a little of that atm. I must be a special snowflake.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Age vs Vertical
« on: July 26, 2014, 09:01:17 pm »
10 days away from holiday off. Planning to do what i said earlier, a planned overreaching ( gym every day / big volumes / caloric surplus ). Then use the holiday time for tapering and get back to cutting again. Objections?

sounds fine

Also, LBSS and entropy and anyone else knowledgeable on the issue, what about intermittent fasting while bulking? Does it work or is IF meant to be used for cutting only? I workout late at night so i was thinking to go [no breakfast / no carbs lunch / eat huge after gym] , creating two fasting zones of 11-12 hours each.

idk, never tried that myself. my experience with cutting with fasting is that my one meal i have for dinner, feels so filling, that i'm unlikely to hit a decent surplus that way. But like all things, you can train up to and adapt to anything, so im sure if i wanted to, i could eventually adapt and eat like 3000kcal for dinner lol. Right now though, that seems absurd since i wud get full much sooner.

As far as bulking with a fast, i wud love to try that out. My gut feeling is that it wud help keep gains mostly lean and minimise fatfucking. esp since you can tightly control carbs and fats that way. But the caveat is training fasted for me seems to be suboptimal, im not as strong when i lift fasted, at least when it comes to squatting, upper body work seems much less unaffected. see how you go, it would be cool to try.

Bodyweight: 82kg/180.9lb

I'm due for a whoosh but this wasn't it. The fat around my hips feels squishy, so i'm expecting one soon. Will do fasted walking etc today.

CND - TM 3.2km in 45 mins

BW: 82.5kg
Fasted duration: ~24hrs (finished meal at 1935)

My first proper gym session in about 2 weeks worth of training sessions (5 workouts).

FBS 1x120
BS 5x110
WCU 2x95, 2x100, 1x105, 5x90
CND - Sprint intervals - 6x(25s on, 22s off)

CND - TM 5km in 65 mins

Squat notes:
So my 1 rep max right now is about 120kg on squats, pretty challenging and technically imperfect so my technical max is prob like 110kg or something? Idk.

Upper notes:
I bench rel soon anyway so decided to just do chins cause i wont do them til friday. Feels ok so far.

Conditioning notes:
Sprint intervals - fasted, right now these are kicking my ass, i will repeat the same params until i'm much fitter..

fasted TM in my last session, not bad, guess this is easy cause im lighter now..

So i'm resuming cutting, well, technically i never ceased it, but i've decided to resume it aplomb because i wanna get ripped and stay it. Also making a conscious decision to keep running no matter what, i dont care if it limits my athleticism/strength/squatting - who cares, would rather be healthy and fit than strong and unfit/unhealthy.

No updates for over a week?
Where are you entropy

Fair. So I went to USA for the first time and even though I had kept my expectations somewhat low, I fell in love (as I tend to do lol) with the place, life and ppl. Now i'm even thinking i should move there and wish I had done that a long time ago.

In the way of training, after i left, i did some long walks around the hills in california. Found my calves surprisingly sore for the first time from just walks lol. Then eventually my dumb ass got a pair of shoes and i was able to do some running - mostly hill sprints lol, and then jogging downhill. Man it was amazing.

There was a few days in hotel gyms i messed around with dbs too, and did some chinups that was about the total of my training while there.

I fasted around 24hrs everyday, which im still not sure was a good idea or bad but it allowed me to look forward to a nice dinner every night. it allowed me to get somewhat leaner, although not much, cause the ppl i was eating with didn't have much of an appetite, so i ended up eating 2x my portions :/ all good, food was amazing.

Now we start from scratch, i weighed in at 82.5kg, not quite ripped as i hoped :/ think i will finish cutting down to just under 80kg/170lb and while doing so, work up to some modest lifts like a 130kg fronty and a 140kg backy. As usual, my gains are cinderalla like, i lose everything at the slightest provocation.

and i need to get the fuck out of this country, as much as i love it, i wasted my 20s in the wrong place..

BW: 82.6kg / 182.1lb

Fasted Duration: 24+hr

(for reference the left most point is 195lb and today's is of course 182)

lol so I got through my pre-holiday cut intact, i can't believe i've dropped ~6kg/13lb in just under 3 weeks. This time though, i held on to my muscle and strength for the most part, even building my upper body (which admittedly i had grossly neglected).

the bad news is that i'm still not lean enough :( i prob need to diet another week or so lol. we'll see how it goes.

FS 1x125, 1x130
BS 1x120, 1x127.5, 1x132.5, 0Fx137.5, 1x135B, 1x137.5B, 5x120, 5x117.5, 5x115
BP 3x5x80
CND - Sprint Ints - 6x(25s on, 23s off)
AbCrunch - 15x75kg (PR; lol, these fucks are so easy for me, i need a better ab exercise and yet i know of none that work as well as these for blowing up abz)
AbPD - 2x20x37.5kg

Squat notes:
I decided to do just one squat session, which turned out to be fasted as it happens, so i had my work cut out for me. I managed a 130 fs which was a ME effort. I wanted a 137.5kg bs, though i kinda knew i was only good for 135, went for it and of course failed it. Used a belt to do shitty reps of 135 and 137.5 in consolation.

Upper notes:
Omg, that BP was deathly hard, all RPE 10 sets :o


Lost a pound, looking a lot leaner but not lean enough. I need a rest day, so this will have to be it. But i'll still try to do some fasted walking through the day. Aiming to fast about 22-23 hours today, or around there abouts.

It's funny, if you asked me where i'd need to weigh to be lean, i wuda guessed 82.5kg. Now that's starting to look pretty reasonable since at 83.5kg i'm not quite there but I imagine losing a kilo should get me close to single digit bodyfat. Though that's not really remarkable since one always thinks he's one kilo away from being lean. #Fatproblems.

BW: 84.1kg / 185.41lb

Post refeed weight goes up! I think i'm leaner than the scale or the mirror shows but im due for a whoosh sometime. If only i had more time lol. Oh well. Will try to make the best of the next 3 days.

I love how good you feel the day after a refeed. rested, fresh, no soreness. it's like the body becomes that much more efficient at recovery that a single big meal can make undo a week long tiredness and aches and pains. Good stuff.

Today i'll wait til my 2nd or so dose of caffeine/syn and then i'll do fasted TM. And i want to do a 20 min jog as well. So we'll try to get 60 minutes total on teh treadmill. Is that too much? I need a day off, been training daily this week! Either take today off or tmr. I think i'd rather take tmr off than today, i feel great today lol .. wud be a shame to waste it ;)

CND ~ TM Jog.

CND ~ shopping (~1hr)

CND ~ TM walk (20 mins, 1.5km)
CND ~100 skips
AbPD 3x20

Conditioning notes:
First session was fasted running 2km in about 17 mins. Covered a total of 2.5km overall.

2nd and 3rd sessions will be fasted walks of about 20mins each around caffeine doses.

BW: 83.7kg / 184.53lb

Have fasted: 21 hours so far. (will update this til my first meal..).

Also going to try 3 doses of caffeine (200mg) in the day spaced by 3 hours or so. This is not a great idea but i kinda messed up taking the first dose late (12pm). Should take it earlier to space them out by like 4-5 hours instead.

The good news is i'm going to do a carb refeed tonight, so hopefully i'll be able to get a good night of sleep for a change.

Planned Training:
Session #1             Session #2             Session #3             
Fasted TMBPSquats (II)
Squats (I)Chinups (I)Dunks
Fasted TMChinups (II)
Session #1        Session #2        Session #3
FBS 1x122.5BP 3x87.5, 2x88.5
WCU 1x95
FBS 1x125
FS 0Fx132.5
BS 1x132.5, 5x120, 4Fx122.5, 5x120
WCU 2x106.7, 5x96.7, 5x94.5,
       2x5x92.5, 5x91.5, 5x90
Dunking - 3x5 ~ 20 total
Sprint Intervals - 5x(20s on, 25s off)

Squat notes:
I did 2 sets less than i've been doing in the first (fasted) squat session, saving some in the tank, so to speak. Maybe this will help me do better in the 2nd session. So far 2nd sessions have been just awful.

After another terrible 2nd squat session i'm calling an end to this sorry experiment. Worst idea i've ever tried. Never again.

Upper body notes:
Had the idea to try doing a primer chinup session. Wasnt sure whether to attempt a last single of +15kg, but in the end I decided against it in case it detracted from tonights volume chins.

Day went well, exhausting though. Too much training. I almost did a running session on the treadmill before bed but decided against it. Carb reload was quite clean. I ate 2 wholemeal bread sandwiches consisting of a baked chicken breast i shredded up and topped with a bit of bbq sauce. After that i had 400mL of lowfat milk with a scoop of whey. Finally 4 slices of homemade vegetarian pizza. That's the lot. Not a huge carb refeed by any means, but i think it's ok since i'll do another one monday.

BW: 83.7kg / 184.53lb

Scale drops again. Dont feel quite as lean as i'd like yet though :( Im gonna do some fasted treadmill walking (3x20min sessions around caffeine doses), even though i was planning on having a rest day.

update. fasted 20 hrs, did 2 fasted treadmill sessions of about 2.4km total, about 42.5mins long. And skipping rope 'bout 200 skips.

Ate 1 meal at the end of the day. 3 eggs, 2 slices wholmeal bread, a baked chicken breast, 400mL lowfat milk + 1.5scoop whey, 4x1.5g fish oil, 2xmulti vitamins, cup of cauliflower, 1tbspoon of psyllium husk powder. That's the lot. But it's only 8pm and im prob gonna get real hungry again tonight :( i couldn't wait any longer tho hunger was too much lol.

Futbol (soccer) / Re: The WC 2014 thread
« on: July 09, 2014, 07:46:43 am »
Guess US wasn't all that bad considering they only lost 1-0 to germany in the group stage..


also check out this -

not really sure im close to stubborn fat range but whatever

BW: 84.4kg /186lb

6 days to go..

Waist is down to ~34.0" .. i get "lean" around 33.0" i think? i cant remember wud have to look it up when i dieted down to <75kg/165lb. Either way have a while to go yet (in terms of waist circumference not bodyweight lol)

Might do a 24hr fast again today, im really pleased with how fresh i feel today even though i did sprints for the first time yesterday, ive got no crippling doms, none in hams, quads or glutes. I can't explain that shit but im putting it down to the way i ate my whole daily intake postworkout fast. 

FBS 1x125
BS 1x132.5
OHP 5x60, 5x4x60

FBS 1x127.5
BS 1x130, 3x122.5, 2x5x120
AbPD 3x15
CND ~ 18 minutes running (with breaks lol), 26:30mins total time spent on TM.

Squat notes:
Gave the 2-a-day squat thing another chance. I think i picked the right weight for fs/bs singles but the last bs single felt like a 1rm so i prob erred there. My lower back is acting weird though, so that might have something to do with it too, idk what's going on with it.

decided to cut fast short at 19hrs have a meal and i'll train later tonight.

The stubborn fat thing is legit. It increases blood flow to stubborn fat cells or something like that. Also boosts growth hormone. It's not as simple as more frequency, more anabolic.

The main benefit for me of fasting, like i did today, close to 24hrs (like 10 mins short lol) is that i can eat most of my carbs and foods before bed and get a good night sleep. If i eat half of my food in the morning, by the time i'm in bed, my body has burned off the dinner, and im lying there sleepless and hungry as fuck. So hard to fall asleep hungry, and when you do fall asleep, it's not as deep, so the slihgtly thing will wake me up and then im hungry and sleeplessl tired going into the next day.

During the day hunger is no problem you can always use caffeine (as in ECA) or if E is banned in your country as it is in mine there are alternatives (yohimbe and another one which i actually use as of today). boom hunger gone, focus and energy plentiful. At night though, you can't use stimulants for obvious reasons, so when you're in bed, having food in your gut to keep your body working nicely is a good thing

The fasting experience story for me is still being written. If i can get lean quickly as im planning to (in a total of like 2-3 weeks off a bulk being quite fat) then i'll super happy!

hey vag. benefits become apparent closer to single digit bodyfat, to get rid of stubborn fat etc. for me im about a kilo away from looking leanish as in visible abs veins and what not. apart from that, no real benefit from fasting if you're just doing a normal cut that'll do just as well. i'm also using stims like caffeine to get there sooner since i have a deadline, normally i wouldnt bother using it for fat loss either. hopefully i can wrap this up soon, think im not far from being lean enough for my purposes.

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