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Messages - JackW

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Hi Steve,

I should have clarified in my original post, I too have absolutely no objection to anyone selling a good vertical jump program but somewhere in the CanHeDunk project literature or one of the vieos I can't remember, Alan made a point about how the programs were custom designed for the athletes involved and tailored to their needs. Which would then make the design of those programs for others to use not necessarily that great unless the other users needs were similar.

It isn't a big deal andperhaps I am nit-picking, because on the whole I think what he did with the CanHeDunk project was really an excellent thing to do. I would like to see more of that sort of thing.



I'd buy Kelly's programs when he does them alone. When he "affiliates" with people like Maroko I won't even look (OK, I'll look but I won't buy).

Agree whole heartedly Raptor

Box jumps aren't stupid Adarqui, they can be a very useful training tool. BRAGGING about your box jump on the other hand, now that is f*#king stupid.

I am with you Adarqui, I thought it was a great project from a respected coach. I am hoping to interview Alan Stein about it. The only issue I had was that Alan, who is oviously a damn good trainer and knows his stuff, and who has, like me, got his knickers in a knot from time to time about vertical jump scam artists, and who interestingly has posted in various blogs about the need to customize your training, is now ironically selling the programs used in the can he dunk project.

Bios / Re: herschel walker is a freak of nature - 47 years old
« on: July 27, 2010, 02:37:20 am »
Herschel walker played Russian Roulette and thought it was a competition! Makes Ron Artest semm pretty tame in comparison.


I prefer walking lunges over bss, but both are good.

Mate you are not the only one who thinks this. I am with you all the way. I love unleashing the walking lunges. Have you tried them up hill yet?


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