Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: chasing athleticism
« on: July 29, 2014, 10:42:04 pm »Yeah good points. I hadn't done the math that way.
When you lay it out that way it's a good plan. I'm hoping you can stick it out and not let ego (strength) get in the way.
Bodyfat is the easiest and best thing to manipulate for body comp. Consider two guys both 5'10" at 10% bodyfat but one weighs a lightweight 70kg and the second a heavy 90kg. The respective bodyfats being 7kg and 9kg. The second is only carrying an extra 2kg of bodyfat but a whopping 18kg more of lean mass. That just goes to show how little room to manouvre you have when it comes to bodyfat - a kilo loss of bodyfat makes a huge difference, whereas gaining a kilo of muscle is kinda meh.
Ego will be a problem but i know now that even if im a strong 95kg who gives a fuck when i'm that fat. So it's pointless chasing big lifts. Esp when i just wanna be healthy/fit/athletic. I'd love to be a lean 10% bodyfat at 90kg one day. But baring some amazing changes in body chemistry, i dont think that's realistic. 85kg lean seems like a solid goal for me! If i can achieve my old PRs from earlier this year at 95kg at 85kg, i'll be a beast for sure. And i'll look good too. If only!