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Messages - aiir

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got in a car crash on the way to work. the drivers in this country are truly terrible, as a rule: i ran into the guy's right tail light because he stopped suddenly, for no apparent reason, after swerving partway into my lane. luckily i slammed on the brakes and was only going a few mph when i hit him. the car will need a new headlight and maybe a new bumper but otherwise it's fine.

on the bright side, it's another confirmation of how much it takes to stress me out: my heart rate never went up, even when i was pulling away from the crash and wondering if the guy would follow me (needless to say, you don't exchange insurance information in this country). this is a trait i appreciate in myself so yay for me.


yikes, glad you came out okay man. I was gonna say you should've hit the gym with all that adrenaline but I guess your heart rate never even went up so.. ::)

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: January 16, 2017, 02:08:18 am »
I prefer when i'm shivering like a chiuaua, I feel like my body doesn't overheat as easy.

spot on comparison for those shivers lool

do you think you'd still like staying sub 150 if you lived in a colder region though? shivering gets old

totally fair question. my answer is: dunno. DL dunk approaches and plants are idiosyncratic even among the elite youtube guys, so i'm not sure there's anything like an optimal way to do it. and my approach has been grooved over hundreds and hundreds of reps. tweaking or retooling it at this point has a high likelihood of throwing me off and low likelihood of success -- what, specifically, would i even change? -- so i'm just going to stick with it for now.

yup, makes sense. do you have a sideview of your jumps by any chance? curious how that angle looks

LBSS, is it just me or is your run-up to the dunk pretty unorthodox? Don't mean to be critical, but it just looks like you don't maximize your elastic energy in those last few steps. Of course if it works for you that's another story, but the arm movement doesn't look quite in sync with your steps + your last step isn't the typical long, spring-coiling-like motion that I see in most jumpers/dunkers.

Peer Reviewed Studies Discussion / Re: icing
« on: December 24, 2015, 01:49:52 am »
Interesting stuff, RICE always seemed counterintuitive to me unless there was extreme/uncontrollable swelling.

How is the ankle? Able to jump yet? Sorry that you had to go through this.

Hah, just saw this. Yeah, I play full court basketball and jump around pretty normally now. Lingering effects are mainly tenderness and light throbbing pain after overexertion, and a very uncomfortable sharp-ish pain whenever the ankle joint is being "pulled apart" (dragging foot on ground/hyper-plantar flexion). Oh, and ankle's still really weak.

Luckily, I just finished finals and am going to be heading home soon - time to get back to the grind lol.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: March 02, 2015, 07:51:11 pm »
'Heel to butt' is good for distance running? Curious as to why, I would assume it'd just drain your energy unnecessarily. Quads would get some nice stretching though

I'm curious, do you wear a brace while hooping/jumping?

yeah, def get an opinion from another podiatrist or orthopedist or PT.

suggestion: when you do, describe everything to date as you did in that email, but don't go as far as the self-diagnosis. that is, don't say, "i know it's a problem with my arches." might prejudice what that person tells you, and you might be wrong. say something like, "i have an idea about what the problem is but wanted to get an expert opinion."

if what they tell you is unhelpful, it'd have been unhelpful anyway.

Hm, that's a good point, I didn't catch that. When I finally isolated the pain to the exact tendon, I looked up my symptoms and it's heavily related with flatfootedness. Pain also decreased significantly after getting the new pair of orthodics.

this thing is just getting so frustrating...never experienced this type of long-term injury before. Given me a very new appreciation for professional athletes during their injuries

Sent a note to my podiatrist (from back home) early this week; here's the gist of it -

It's been about 7.5 weeks since I sprained my ankle, and although progress is evident, I'm concerned with some aspects of the injury. As of now, I still have moderate swelling along the anterior tibiofibular ligament that was torn during the inversion. I have also developed moderate swelling along the posterior tibial tendon over the last 4 weeks. I can perform daily activities without an issue, but after long walking or moderate basketball activity, the posterior tibial tendon starts to throb with a dull pain (running from the navicular tuberosity all the way up to upper medial malleolus), ultimately leading to soreness. The ankle's fine for moderate cutting and light jogging, but prolonged activity & walking barefoot/in sandals continues to cause this pain. I can induce  a "stretching" pain in the tendon with over-dorsiflexion of the foot (esp along lower medial leg). I know the problem is related to my arches...what would you recommend?

Long story short, he suggested trying pre-fabricated orthodics. It would've been a good idea if I hadn't already been wearing custom orthodics for the past 4-5 years...originally prescribed from the same doctor that was now telling me to try them. The pain actually started after wearing the walking boot for 2-3 weeks after the injury - it was absolutely flat and my ankle now lacked any strength to hold up it's arch as well. I wasn't wearing my orthodics during the actual sprain either (lost them, got remolded BY THE SAME DOCTOR after boot was off). Within the last few days, I've also started to encounter 'pulsing' bursts of sharp pain along the anterior tibiofibular ligament (original tear). The magnitude of pain is low/tolerable, but it's like a combination of a pulsing vein and the stingy pain from a mosquito bite.

Probably going to get a followup with a podiatrist near campus or something...smh. Another thing - been getting lots of random aches and soreness and cramping through body, not sure why. My fluid levels are fine, and salt/nutrients are fine too (usually). Cramping is in calves, upper traps/neck, soreness in back, chest, neck, ankle, forearms, shoulders.

Pics for reference:

- squat MEBM 230 x 16+4
had to rack the bar after 16 reps, rested about 30s and then did four more to get to 20. safety first.


20 reps with 2 plates, after already doing MESM...nice.

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: ADARQ's journal
« on: January 30, 2015, 05:17:25 pm »
with all that soreness why aren't you foam rolling man? it's a lifesaver to me

Progress Journals & Experimental Routines / Re: Scooby 2011 Journal
« on: January 14, 2015, 01:54:14 pm »
I haven't been following your log, but looking at that video vs the ones I saw maybe a year ago, your jumping motion looks soooooooo much more fluid.

Won't be long before  :ibjumping:

thanks man. I just tried balancing on it and lasted like half a second lol

Just got back from the followup. The reason it's taking so long to heal is because I guess I underestimated the severity of the sprain. It's a grade 3 hybrid sprain (primarily lower), and right now I have minimal to moderate swelling where the torn ligaments were, and light swelling on the medial/inner foot in between the two bony protrusions (forgot the medical term lol). Most pain is localized to that inner foot area, even though the swelling is minimal. My doctor said the pain more likely to be a result of irritation from the rigid skeleton of the boot and not wearing my orthodics (I'm flatfooted), not from the actual sprain.

Anyways, I'm out of the boot now and in an ASO ankle brace.. cleared for rehab activities and FINALLY allowed to drive. He said that I can get some very light shooting work in, but moderate basketball is ~3-4 weeks away and hiking/full intensity basketball ~5 weeks off. Just got my new set of orthodics too, so hopefully that takes the rest of the pain away.

For rehab, he gave me a rubber band (like 3' x 6") and a list of exercises (lots of stretching, some resisted movements using the band...kinda sounds like PNF), but interested to hear other opinions as well.

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