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Topics - 100m200m

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Crazy Weird Analysis & Stuff :) / MJ
« on: July 07, 2009, 07:11:43 am »
My favorite MJ vid

Analysis: he kicked ass because he was 6'6', ran a 4.3 40 in college, had enormous hands, and jumped high as shit

Here's a youtube video I found of Tyson Gay:

He runs with a kind of side to side motion in his upper body.  Usain Bolt does kind of the same thing as well:

Here's a youtube video of Ben Johnson:

He runs without moving his upper body so much.

My first reaction would be to think that the style of Ben Johnson in the second video is much more efficient but Tyson Gay and definitely Usain Bolt are both two of the best sprinters in history and it would seem strange that one of them would have bad form.  They both have been running for a while under coaches which have helped them constantly improve so if there was something that could be fixed as easily as that side to side movement then they would have fixed it.

What would cause them to run differently and what would be the advantages of each type of style?  Does it have to do with the fact that Ben was one of the greatest starters while Tyson and Usain are known as two of the greatest finishers?

Introduce Yourself / Hey Guys
« on: June 03, 2009, 01:16:48 am »
Hey Everyone,

I am about to go into my second year of college track after having a terrible first year.  I had a pretty bad groin pull during the preseason and I injured my left glute twice and my right achilles during the indoor season which resulted in my running only two crappy 200m races.  I quit at the beginning of the outdoor season after pulling my groin again.

Right now I am hoping to get back into shape this summer before I try out for the team again next preseason.  I'll be starting a training journal so I can keep my workouts organized.

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