Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Improving plant strength
« on: November 06, 2014, 06:42:03 pm »
What's up guys?! Haven't posted anything in a while b/c I haven't played in a while, but I've been working out and getting a lot of good progress mixing up strength lifting and olympic lifting...but I have a question...
How would you suggest improving strength in the muscle area between the mid-thigh and the top of the knee?? I noticed today when I actually got a chance to play (shitty work schedule) that my vert has went up only slightly from my usual 37" but the olympic work is definitely paying off b/c the power transfer is more efficient with way less effort (core work has been crucial too)...but the area between the knee and mid-thigh on my left leg seems to buckle when I plant R/L...but when I plant L/R it's fine...can't explain it...not sure if it is a muscle imbalance or what..haven't been hurt, knee feels fine
Current workout looks like:
PM split MWF
Front squat 4x4 @135
RDL 2x5 @ 225
Calf-raises 2x15 per leg with 60lb dumbbell
Hamstring extensions 2x7 per leg
Bulgarian Split Squat 2x7 per leg with 60 lb dumbbell
AM split MWF
Olympic High Pull 2x5 at 165
Hang Clean 4x4 @ 135
Single-leg step-up 2x6 w/25 lb plate per leg and 1x5 w/35 lb plate per leg (weighted plate swings with a launch at the end-love this exercise!)
Any help would be appreciated guys
How would you suggest improving strength in the muscle area between the mid-thigh and the top of the knee?? I noticed today when I actually got a chance to play (shitty work schedule) that my vert has went up only slightly from my usual 37" but the olympic work is definitely paying off b/c the power transfer is more efficient with way less effort (core work has been crucial too)...but the area between the knee and mid-thigh on my left leg seems to buckle when I plant R/L...but when I plant L/R it's fine...can't explain it...not sure if it is a muscle imbalance or what..haven't been hurt, knee feels fine
Current workout looks like:
PM split MWF
Front squat 4x4 @135
RDL 2x5 @ 225
Calf-raises 2x15 per leg with 60lb dumbbell
Hamstring extensions 2x7 per leg
Bulgarian Split Squat 2x7 per leg with 60 lb dumbbell
AM split MWF
Olympic High Pull 2x5 at 165
Hang Clean 4x4 @ 135
Single-leg step-up 2x6 w/25 lb plate per leg and 1x5 w/35 lb plate per leg (weighted plate swings with a launch at the end-love this exercise!)
Any help would be appreciated guys