Figured I'ld ask the head honcho to get some answers & some questions off my chest.
1) Over the past few months, I did SS and got my bw up to round 173ish but I felt bloated as hell and nasty. I'm pretty hardcore ectomorph - I'm 6"2 and only 163 lbs right now (very low bf). Currently doing All Pro's and just finished a cycle (160 x 12 for squats was done comfortably... I'm weak).
Any tips for what vertical jump program I should follow - or just general stuff I should know? My squat numbers aren't high relative to my bw so should I be concentrating in upping my strength first? I want to dunk lol.
2) The CALL EM out threads are hella entertaining. But which programs are do u approve of? I'll be a junior this year and I want to transition to a guard... I suck bad at parts of my bball game though. Dribbling, shooting, just having confidence in my game... all things I need to massively improve on.
I have 2 months to put work in... was gonna buy Taylor Allan's program but after seeing all these scammer threads, I'm having doubts and I'm getting confused on how to do.