Strength, Power, Reactivity, & Speed Discussion / Re: Applying AREG to hypertrophy phase?
« on: August 12, 2009, 02:36:15 pm »
If you are trying to get big for sport and performance then the longer rests will be more applicable because you will be able to maintain a greater force production. if you want more conditioning do your workout in a circuit fashion or alternating so it could be:
Thanks for your response! That makes sense to use the prime method to increase volume, but wouldnt the long rest periods decrease hormonal effects?
Actually, this is off topic but this lead me to another question...HGH and T are highest with rest periods between 30-60sec. now does this mean 30-60 sec rest between sets for the same muscle group or could this apply to 30-60sec rest between sets for diff muscle groups. in other words, to get a hormonal response, do you have to do 3 sets of squats with 30sec rest between, or can you do a set of squats rest 30sec do a set of bench rest 30sec do a set of pullups rest 30 and come back to squats to get the same hormonal response?
Hopefully this question makes sense LOL