in flip flops .. i don't get it. he thanked "nonsense_sportstraining", wondering if this guy behind nonsense_sportstraining is trolling people, because it seems like nonsense.
ok this is actually unfolding a bit..
my comment:
andrewdarqui flip flops = "nonsense", now it makes sense. lmao.
the guy who prescribed that to joel:
nonsense_sportstraining @andrewdarqui yes the flip flops. But you have no clue why he is wearing nor do you care to understand which is cool but it worked for @justflysports and that is all that matters.
my response to nonsense_sportstraining (eh):
andrewdarqui @nonsense_sportstraining if you you assume I don't care to know, that's on you, and you'd be wrong. However, if you assume that I think it's useless, you'd be correct. Feel free to explain it and educate me, or not - and keep it magical. Im glad it "works" for joel. Bye.
look at this guy getting emotional over someone calling out doing 10m sprints in flip flops.. i mean, shouldn't you expect that? *sigh*
I guess what made me drop my initial comment, other than it looking completely useless, was nonsense_sportstraining's IG bio:
adarian barr Getting to the core basic of being an athlete. No nonsense allowed! No status quo. No rehashing what has been hashed out.
if you're going to prescribe people doing 10m sprints in flip flops, be absolutely ready to explain it any time it is questioned, and don't whine about it.
Let's see if he explains it.
Can't wait for this: "The recoil of the flip flop, during the flop phase, models the cross extensor reflex of the trail arm, elongating your tail bone whilst increasing the SEC component of the achilles tendon, all while focusing force directly through the longus brevis, maintaining foot tripod, and increasing arch bow flex force recoil elasticity."
FWIW, another person questioned it also, but more "seriously".