Haha yeah I know. It's funny because I went from a running shoe to that shoe I used in that video immediately, and the difference between the foam sole (of the running shoe) and the rubber sole of that shoe in the video is so big as far as how the leg loads. And if you wear running shoes now and then switch to those rubber outsole shoes, then you're bound to happen stuff like this ^^^
But the truth is I was really tired yesterday and that's that. I put this up only for people to see, in their own experiences when they have a "flat tire", what's actually going on. Obviously you can collapse at different joints etc, but you get the idea.
You can even see the plant-"attack" wasn't proper either, it's like my body said "hey the glutes/hams are tired, I don't want to load them too much, why don't you load the quad a ton instead?"