what do u guys thinks..
The key points you need to know about this exercise are:
It involves restricting blood flow of a working muscle to elicit gains in size and strength.
It sounds crazy, but it works. It is also quite safe.
Blood Flow Restriction Training (BFR) is a clever way to gain strength and power using much lighter weights than regular strength training (20-40% of 1RM).
Video here:
i've seen studies saying it can result in some improvements.. however, until the research is overwhelming and you see other people getting serious results from it, I wouldn't waste a second on it. It's probably best performed under supervision, for the elderly.
If it really was magical, you would see people making insane gains off of it.. Think about it, you can go much lighter in the weight room, which means you can train far more frequently in the weight room with less fatigue (cns/muscular etc). That's a recipe for success. Unfortunately there isn't any magic yet, other than PED abuse.
Always remember that the s&c world loves to show you "new things". It's the "new shiny fancy thing" effect. In our world, that tricks/entices 90+% (numbers out of my ass but.. come on) of the population. Someone should create an s&c youtube channel which shows you new lifts/exercises every week, but they are really the same old money exercises shot from different angles & performed with different color shorts.
It sounds weird, but sit on your hands until they fall asleep, then do a set of hammer curls. The hypoxia stemming from the restricted plasma flow will magnify the hypertrophic response of every repetition you perform.
Use around 50% of your normal working weight, and go SLOW. Make sure and film it, post here when you are done so I can be sure form is correct. If you do it wrong its worthless.
*copied and pasted from post by LanceSTS
LMFAO. nice find!
He should have advocated 100% blood flow restriction for no less than 5 minutes while performing as many 10RM reps as you can within those 5 minutes. Actually no, even as a joke that's deadly. HEH!