[05:23am] adarq: shut up u dumb little bitch
[05:23am] adarq:
http://www.adarq.org/forum/pics-videos-links/justin-darlington-over-6%2710%27-guy-neck-near-rim/[05:23am] adarq: check that thread + vid
[05:23am] adarq: u will shit ur pants
[05:24am] brucelee: wtf
[05:24am] brucelee: whats his vert
[05:24am] Bludgeon: I doubt that's a legit rim.
[05:24am] adarq: it looks pretty legit to be honest
[05:24am] adarq: this guy is 6'4 jumping
[05:24am] adarq: btw
[05:24am] Bludgeon: I ain't sure.
[05:24am] adarq: hangtime is 31-32 frames
[05:25am] adarq: thats the key here..
[05:25am] Bludgeon: Yeah.
[05:25am] adarq: thats what makes me shocked as fuck
[05:25am] adarq: at that jump
[05:25am] adarq: that guy is 6'10 also
[05:25am] Bludgeon: Hard to tell because of the angle.
[05:25am] adarq: and he clears him like nothing
[05:25am] adarq: ya but the hangtime is key
[05:25am] adarq: the best jumpers on youtube get 29-30 frames
[05:25am] adarq: t-dub/gc/etc
[05:25am] adarq: 31-32 frames = psychotic
[05:26am] brucelee: so what does that put him
[05:26am] brucelee: what vert
[05:26am] brucelee: ok...
[05:26am] djunknown joined the chat room.
[05:26am] brucelee: hang time is 32 seconds
[05:26am] brucelee: meaning....
[05:26am] djunknown was promoted to operator by okthunder.
[05:26am] djunknown was promoted to operator by sbrooks.
[05:26am] djunknown was promoted to operator by methadone.
[05:26am] djunknown was promoted to operator by westbrook.
[05:26am] djunknown was promoted to operator by harden.
[05:26am] djunknown was promoted to operator by durant.
[05:26am] djunknown was promoted to operator by ibaka.
[05:26am] djunknown was promoted to operator by maynor.
[05:26am] djunknown was promoted to operator by dummy.
[05:26am] brucelee: it takes him
[05:26am] brucelee: 16 seconds
[05:26am] brucelee: to land
[05:27am] brucelee: 9.8 m/s^2 is acceleration downward
[05:27am] brucelee: 0 initial velocity
[05:27am] adarq:
http://www.adarq.org/forum/calculators/complete-hangtime-to-vj/#REFcompleteHangtimeCalculator[05:27am] adarq: enter it in the calculator
[05:27am] adarq: u douchewad
[05:27am] adarq: heh
[05:27am] adarq: hangtime is 32 seconds?
[05:27am] adarq: lol
[05:27am] brucelee: u said 32 seconds
[05:27am] adarq: brucelee: hang time is 32 seconds
[05:27am] brucelee: U STUPID FUCK
[05:27am] adarq: lol
[05:27am] adarq: 32 frames
[05:27am] brucelee: WAIT
[05:27am] brucelee: WAIT
[05:27am] adarq: each frame is .033
[05:27am] adarq: lol
[05:27am] brucelee: I MEAN
[05:27am] adarq: brucelee: hang time is 32 seconds
[05:27am] adarq: brucelee: hang time is 32 seconds
[05:27am] brucelee: 1 seocnd
[05:27am] adarq: lol
[05:27am] adarq: brucelee: hang time is 32 seconds
[05:27am] adarq: lol
[05:27am] brucelee: rofl!!!1111
[05:27am] adarq: brucelee: hang time is 32 seconds
[05:27am] brucelee: rofl!!!1111
[05:27am] adarq: lol
[05:27am] brucelee: rofl!!!1111
[05:27am] brucelee: rofl!!!1111
[05:27am] brucelee: rofl!!!1111
[05:28am] brucelee: rofl!!!1111
[05:28am] brucelee: rofl!!!1111
[05:28am] adarq: 32 * .033 = 1.056 = 53" vert
[05:28am] brucelee: rofl!!!1111
[05:28am] brucelee: rofl!!!1111
[05:28am] adarq: u stupid fucking idiot
[05:28am] brucelee:
[05:28am] adarq:
[05:28am] brucelee: thats crazy
[05:28am] brucelee: vert
[05:28am] brucelee: vert
[05:28am] brucelee: he makes your whole life completely meaningless and pathetic
[05:29am] brucelee: u will never even be able to come close
[05:29am] brucelee: to his level
[05:29am] Bludgeon: Wait wait wait a minute.
[05:29am] brucelee: you cant even jump that high in your dreams adarq
[05:29am] Bludgeon: I know why everyone got crazy.
[05:29am] Bludgeon: Watch that vid in frame by frame again.
[05:29am] adarq: ?
[05:29am] Bludgeon: Freeze at 0:40
[05:29am] adarq: i watched it frame by frame a bunch
[05:30am] Bludgeon: Whiteboy with the chair.
[05:30am] Bludgeon: Everybody knows every time you throw a chair niggas go wild.
[05:30am] adarq: ajajajjaja
[05:30am] adarq: hahahahah