this video will make you cringe........... response to him:
1 second ago
hey man, working hard, but i have some criticism.. i wouldn't squat in the smith, squat in a rack, free, if form is an issue, do it off pins/box.. deadlift looks like you are rounding your back bigtime.. strict form will have better transfer to vert even though weight would need to be lighter.. jump squats should be done initially, when legs are fresh, and lighter, it's taking you very long to perform each rep.. depth drops are a little too high, need to land deeper too and stick that landing.
1 second ago
@adarqui : lunge jumps wen legs are dead is a bad idea, imagine how bad your knee stability is with all that fatigue, not good.. you workout, honestly, should be: lunge jump, jump squat, depth drop, squat.. i would put squat/deadlift on different days.
also, you really need to get your body composition in check, that will yield some great gains in athleticism just by losing body fat alone.. seriously, you'd gain alot athletically if you dropped some fat.
keep working man but work a lil smarter