Some more data to make this more interesting.
NFL 2012 draft, best 100 40m times: go from 4:33 (
) to 4:63 but it doesn't include reaction time so it would be ~4:50 to ~4:80 if we add an 'average' 0:15 reaction time.
The world record 100m split times: Lewis 1988 9:92 splits : 40m = 4:78 , 60m = 6:47
Usain Bolt 2009 9:58 splits : 40m = 4:64 , 60m = 6:29
In the bobsled combine, average 45m time is above 5 seconds ( best is 4:85 ) while 60m average is above 6:50 seconds ( best is 6:26 as noted alteady ) and they are with no reaction time AND a hop-start, which combined would add about 0:50 seconds as analyzed by Avishek above.
Duh, i was concluding that NFL are damn fast and easy faster than the bosled but it is 40 YARDS for the NFL so only ~36,5 meters.
So the average 45m for bobsled with reaction time and all is in the 5:50 area while the average 35m average for NFL is in the 4:75 area. The 100m guys do the 30-40 splits in something around 0:9 seconds so what do we have ? A FUCKING TIE!!!
I'm outta here...