I have analyzed my jumps/bounds/2-leg bounds frame by frame yesterday and discovered a few things:
1) I don't get "deep enough" on my two-leg bounds so I think I put mostly quad in them (since I bend at a 1/4 squat position); I need to focus on getting deeper.
2) I don't completely hip hyperextend... I use just a short burst of hip extension and then stop it. If Bret Contreras was right, pulling the heels at my butt (flexing the knee) improves your ability to hip hyperextend by 5%, so that's interesting. I need to work on both more, hip hyperextension and heel-under butt pull and then leg extension forward to land further;
3) I don't use my arms like I could/should. I need to extend them and use the momentum they create.
nice analysis there.. to learn to completely hip extend, sacrificing performance on the exercise initially will happen.. it's something you really have to focus on, but it'll result in less distance & the jumps feeling very weird at first.. I prefer to completely hip extend on the warmups, where i'm not really concerned with distance, i'm more concerned with getting the movement right.. once im ready to do the worksets I just go all out though, hopefully it kicks in

as for going deeper, if you can handle bounds very deep you would be VERY strong in your plants for jumping.. my legs do crumble if I try and land real too deep in bounds, so I usually just go with what is natural.. it's similar to depth jumps for me, when I land too deep everything buckles.. so that is definitely something worth working on - get strong in those positions and it will have alot of transfer over the entire ROM.