how do you feel about this? has me confused now ???
nice find, but what are you confused on specifically?
i've never bought into the 8 x 8oz hype, ever.. mostly because I drink milk, that contains alot of water, and food contains alot of water. So i mean you can get away with 5 glasses or so, and you'll get the rest of it from other sources.
The dehydration thing is big, i actually feel more energetic/stronger/powerful when im 'slightly dehydrated'.. tons of dehydration studies show no effect in boxing, i have a few in the boxing studies thread in peer review subforum.
That 'you're dehydrated when you're thirsty' shit is always such bs too... That's like saying if you're hungry, you're starving.
I liked the article. You know what, i've never seen this 8x8 crap in any workplace i've been in though, odd.
cya man