Author Topic: Vegetarianism  (Read 15798 times)

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« on: January 18, 2016, 06:50:10 pm »
Any veggies on here?

Considering going lacto-ovo. I eat so much meat, 90% for 'protein'...which is dumb cos ethically i don't like eating meat and i can get plenty of protein without it. I'll probably still eat a steak or something if I go out, not going to be anal about it, but that still represents a HUGE reduction in my meat consumption. I was a vegetarian before i started training properly, and I'd like to go back.

Any tips? regarding protein or any other nutrients (iron etc).

I'd still consume a tonne of milk, cheese, eggs, yoghurt, whey protein - from these i don't see any problem getting enough protein. Other non-dairy sources?

What's the consensus on soy?

Also mycoprotein - is there anything that makes it a no no?

Sorry lots of questions. Would be interested to hear from any other veggies!


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Re: Vegetarianism
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2016, 06:31:18 am »

this is interesting - 3 'vegan' meals a day for 150g protein/2kcals. cheap (£1.45/meal), basically no prep.

obviously cals would need to be bumped up for anyone remotely active.


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Re: Vegetarianism
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2016, 08:07:50 am »
This is my preferred diet.. meat sometimes but not every day. I have to force myself to cook and eat meat everyday when im dialed in on some body comp goals. it's not something I enjoy. And i find meat ruins dishes I enjoy sans-meat too.
Training for balance in GPP and SPP.


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Re: Vegetarianism
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2016, 12:29:23 pm »
Any veggies on here?

Considering going lacto-ovo. I eat so much meat, 90% for 'protein'...which is dumb cos ethically i don't like eating meat and i can get plenty of protein without it. I'll probably still eat a steak or something if I go out, not going to be anal about it, but that still represents a HUGE reduction in my meat consumption. I was a vegetarian before i started training properly, and I'd like to go back.

I've switched mostly to lacto-ovo in recent months. I get plenty of protein from eggs (cage free), yogurt (greek), cheese, and milk. I definitely need to eat more veggies though, havn't been eating as much lately. I love eating like this. I feel better (physically and ethically) eating this way.

I too have ethical issues eating meat/poultry etc. If I purchase meat/poultry myself, I make sure to get free-range/no hormones (etc) products. Unfortunately the chicken/meat I eat ~1x/week going out (bbq/restaurants etc), I have no idea what their sources are. It bothers me but not as much as when I was eating like that EVERY DAY. So I feel better about it.

I don't think I could ever go full vegan, I love meat/chicken too much. This smoked brisket I eat once in a while is too good to give up completely. Personally, I just need to keep focusing on keeping my meat/poultry intake down to 1-2x/wk.

Any tips? regarding protein or any other nutrients (iron etc).

I'd still consume a tonne of milk, cheese, eggs, yoghurt, whey protein - from these i don't see any problem getting enough protein. Other non-dairy sources?

What's the consensus on soy?

Also mycoprotein - is there anything that makes it a no no?

Sorry lots of questions. Would be interested to hear from any other veggies!

no advice/answers from me here, i don't dig as deep into nutrition. considering the type of training you are into, lacto-ovo seems alot "safer" than vegan though. I don't suspect your training will suffer at all by going lacto-ovo.

on a side note, Jim Wendler said recently to his followers or people wanting to see gains, "eat 1.5 lb. of meat per day".. I understand his advice and agree it's effective if pure strength & mass is what you are after.. but i'm not into that at all (ethically or health-wise). If those were my goals, i'd rather achieve them through a diet void of 1.5+ lb. of meat per day (GOMAD is similar). I'm glad i'm "reverse bulking" now though, love being light. :wowthatwasnutswtf:



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Re: Vegetarianism
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2016, 03:44:15 pm »
This is my preferred diet.. meat sometimes but not every day. I have to force myself to cook and eat meat everyday when im dialed in on some body comp goals. it's not something I enjoy. And i find meat ruins dishes I enjoy sans-meat too.

do you feel you can't hit macros w/ body comp goals?

I've switched mostly to lacto-ovo in recent months. I get plenty of protein from eggs (cage free), yogurt (greek), cheese, and milk. I definitely need to eat more veggies though, havn't been eating as much lately. I love eating like this. I feel better (physically and ethically) eating this way.

I too have ethical issues eating meat/poultry etc. If I purchase meat/poultry myself, I make sure to get free-range/no hormones (etc) products. Unfortunately the chicken/meat I eat ~1x/week going out (bbq/restaurants etc), I have no idea what their sources are. It bothers me but not as much as when I was eating like that EVERY DAY. So I feel better about it.

I don't think I could ever go full vegan, I love meat/chicken too much. This smoked brisket I eat once in a while is too good to give up completely. Personally, I just need to keep focusing on keeping my meat/poultry intake down to 1-2x/wk.

yeah, i noticed in your log you eat a lot of veggie foods - i eat a lot of dairy anyway so meeting protein should be easy enough. When you say physically better, how do you mean? I feel my digestion will feel much more fibre in a veggie diet. (for me)

Yeah, i don't feel i'll life-time go NO meat, the problem with that sort of meat its more expensive, for good reason, so for now its probably going to be a very rare treat, when i have money i'll invest in good meat i guess. or maybe i wont. I don't particuarly enjoy meat beyond sausages/steak so won't really miss much as i don't eat those often anyway. i was eating 3 chicken breats a day kind of thing though which is just dumb. i don't think full vegan is a route i'd go down either. ethically something to think about is the massive amount of land used for growing crops is killing animals too so...

my uncle occasionally goes to scotland and hunts wild deer...this is the most moral meat i can come buy so pretty fortunate for that...lives a free wild life and dies instantly...still, i wonder if i could pull the trigger + butcher it...probably not unless i HAD to to survive. also risk of missed shot and non-instant death etc/young suffering.

on a side note, Jim Wendler said recently to his followers or people wanting to see gains, "eat 1.5 lb. of meat per day".. I understand his advice and agree it's effective if pure strength & mass is what you are after.. but i'm not into that at all (ethically or health-wise). If those were my goals, i'd rather achieve them through a diet void of 1.5+ lb. of meat per day (GOMAD is similar). I'm glad i'm "reverse bulking" now though, love being light.

yeah, i don't feel like my goals of gaining muscle is important enough, also i would not enjoy eating 1.5lb of meat a day at all + its probably not optimal healthwise. so no to jim for me im afraid, i don't feel my gains will suffer THAT much anyway...

will be interesting trying to move up into 94kg cat while being vegetarian thats for sure!