Hey I don't know if you guys have tried this, but today i just set a 1.5 inch PR on SLRVJ with caffeine on an empty stomach. No protein, just caffeine (and tyrosine). I usually go with 200mg tablets, but i went on an empty stomach, so i cut my caffeine tablet in half. I just have to say DAMN. Definitely don't need as much caffeine on an empty stomach. Feel Great
caffeine is still in the system lol.
awesome dude.. i mostly use it on empty stomach too.. i think the combo of being hungry AND amp'd is a great one.. that's why i'm for eating big the NIGHT BEFORE, so that glycogen stores are filled, yet eating very light day of (prior to dunking).. for example, here's how i did my thing today/last night:
last night: ate a ton, 7 bananas and all that stuff
today: wokeup, bunch of huge shits, protein/water-drink+2teaspoons of coffee + 12oz gatorade drink (packed with a scoop of gatorade)..... then a starbucks double espresso shot right before i went to the gym.. was very jittery/getting up real easy, felt great... oh and protein/gatorade-drink during the dunking.
starbucks double espresso shots are nice, first time having one of those, liked it.. was looking for a redline but they didnt have it so i just went with that, i think next time ill have two double-shots :F