Author Topic: There's a reason they call him "Loliquin"  (Read 8375 times)

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There's a reason they call him "Loliquin"
« on: March 04, 2011, 10:11:21 am »

 :uhhhfacepalm: :P :uhhhfacepalm: :P :uhhhfacepalm: :P


Quote from: Chazz Loliquin
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: There's a reason they call him "Loliquin"
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2011, 08:05:59 pm »
direct link to him saying that?

i wouldn't doubt it though, he said quads are 5% of vert after all.


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Re: There's a reason they call him "Loliquin"
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2011, 08:23:28 pm »
the building has 15 floors, but the elevator only go up to 10.


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Re: There's a reason they call him "Loliquin"
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2011, 09:51:16 am »
absolutely priceless from a recent seminar in new york (found block quote on another forum).
 :P  :highfive: :wowthatwasnutswtf: :o :-X :P :strong: :welcome: ;) :-* :P :highfive:

If you've ever attended one of my classes or seminars, you know that I like to stop and review "10 things you just learned..." Well, heres 10 things you might have learned from day 1 one of the NYC BioSig class that we just wrapped up a few minutes ago...had you attended.

#1. Humpty dumpty is a walking heart attack. A humpty dumpty-type body means you have excess visceral fat--fat that is inside the trunk surrounding the organs. Elevated visceral fat means you have high levels of inflammation and are at greater risk for metabolic disease (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease). Visceral fat is metabolically active and releases a hormone called adipokines that slows metabolism and builds fat.

#2. Stay away from parabens. Parabens are the chemicals found in body care products such as shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion. They are castration agents and will turn the male androgen hormones into estrogen. Parabens are also linked to breast cancer development in women. Go home, look in your shower, if your shampoo and conditioner have parabens in them, throw them out.

#3. There is no such thing as healthy tuna. All tuna has toxic levels of mercury. The French word for tuna is "la poubelle de la mer," which means "the garbage can of the sea."

#4. Spot reduction works because fat deposits are related to hormone makeup. The hormone receptor sites for different hormones are located on different spots of your body. This is a primary principle of Biosignature.
Managing the endocrine system is the key to optimal body composition. Being able to manipulate hormone secretion in the body is an essential advantage in programming.

#5. Top two dietary risk factors for prostate and breast cancer are fat-free dairy products and ingesting sodium benzoate, which is in diet soda. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) protects against cancer and is a natural part of the animal diet, meaning you can get CLA from animal products including meat and regular dairy products. Sodium benzoate is found in diet soda and other diet products and is cancer inducing.

#6. Everyone has a limiting factor in their hormonal system and diet. For most people this is carbs and insulin management. You need to deserve your carbs. Don't talk about weight, talk about body fat with overweight clients.

#7. If you have more chronic inflammation you need more EPA-rich fish oil, which will come from large, tropical water fish. If you have brain degeneration, such as Alzheimer's or early onset dementia, then you need more DHA-rich fish oil, such as small cold water fish. Alzheimer's is an inflammatory disorder, but to treat it you want to supplement with DHA to treat the neurodegeneration.

#8. A calorie-based weight loss system doesn't work because food produces different hormonal responses and because the thermic effect of food varies. It takes your body more energy and you burn more calories to digest protein such as steak than carbs such as pasta.

#9.The first thing you put in your mouth in the morning sets your neurotransmitters for the day. If you drink orange juice or other high-glycemic foods that cause a spike in insulin this will trigger serotonin, which will make you feel good, but it will also make you sluggish and tired. Protein and low-glycemic nuts are critical for priming the neurotransmitters for the day.

#10. Insulin is the only hormone you can control. The more insulin you have in the body, the quicker you age. The key to fat loss is insulin control and the good news, remember, is that insulin release is the only hormone you have complete control over. Have you ever accidentally eaten anything? Insulin secretion is a direct result of food consumption.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: There's a reason they call him "Loliquin"
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2011, 04:50:47 pm »
^Are you trying to say those things are false or not valid in any way?


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Re: There's a reason they call him "Loliquin"
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2011, 04:53:43 pm »
^Are you trying to say those things are false or not valid in any way?

Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: There's a reason they call him "Loliquin"
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2011, 06:42:07 pm »
I'm not sure if you meant 'priceless' in sarcasm or if you were serious.


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Re: There's a reason they call him "Loliquin"
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2011, 01:47:07 am »
deadly serious, mattyg. i started a thread where i substituted "lol" for part of the guy's name because i think he really brings a lot to the table that we can all learn from. more beautiful, hilarious, very serious bullshit right here. mad respect, the dude has no shame:

#1. Topical creams decrease pain faster because they are fast absorbing and target vascular tissue. Creams can allow you to train harder or to recover faster. To accelerate progress, take creams 45 minutes before training.

#2. Stay away from Voltaren--it is a pain killer, but it also reduces protein synthesis and delays recovery. Stay away from anti-inflammatories too (NSAIDS such as aspirin) because they will delay the healing process.

#3. Pre-bag supplements for your clients when you put them on a protocol. This will increase adherence to the protocol and removes the chance for errors when taking the pills. High-end clients or professional athletes don't have time or care about counting out supplements. And, when you make $30 million a year it's not worth your time. Hire a 10-year-old to pre-bag your supps, or a retired person who will be happy to have the extra cash and can bag supps while they watch "The Young and Restless."

#4. Pollution is making joints degenerate faster. Sinew Plex is one solution because it triggers the connective tissue to start feeding itself. Sinew Plex reduces trigger points, and it has been clinically shown to improve flexibility (following an injury) by 230 percent. It can also reduce pain by as much as 43 percent and help with repetitive-use injuries such as carpal tunnel.

#5. Almost everyone's deficient in vitamin D. Get vitamin D tested because the ideal dose will be dictated by your results. We tested a class in Phoenix two years ago and the average result was 14 to 18 nmol/L. Recommended levels are over 100. I had the highest at 88, while a guy who worked outside all day in the sun in San Diego had the second highest level at 53. People from the UK had 14. Here's a gem: Replace vitamin D faster by taking 100,000 IUs twice a week. To read more about the benefits of vitamin D go to 25 Excellent Reasons to Take Vitamin D.

#6. No one should be eating gluten--that's no gluten whatsoever in the diet. Are we clear?

#7. After surgery, it's very, very important to decrease pain because the pain will result in elevated inflammation. This will cause more pain and delay healing.

#8. Vitaman C, such as Uber C, will not only improve cortisol response but it builds connective tissue. Proper hydration and mineral balance will restore flexibility around a joint after an injury.

#9. Triplanar movements (moving in three dimensions) are essential because neurologically you're not wearing the system down. You get great neuromuscular efficiency from heavy weightlifting, but sports-specific movements in three planes are critical to avoid neuromuscular fatigue. The brain doesn't remember muscles, it remembers movements.

#10. When treating an injury, never compromise a diagnosis by looking through a straw at the injury. Rather, use a multifaceted approach to diagnosis an injury because there can always be a factor that is distracting.

oh no, gary! watch out for number 2! voltaren's gonna kill ur musklez!

#1. The solution to pollution is dilution. Body fat at the knee is a reflection of toxicity level. When you put someone on a fat loss protocol the knee cap body fat measurement will initially go down. Then after about three weeks it will go back up because the liver is going through detox and the liver toxicity causes the fat percentage to increase at the knee cap until the liver has detoxified.

If you take a liver detoxifier and it works too fast, your body will shunt water from your GI tract to dilute the detoxification. The solution to better body composition is diluting the pollution in your body. If we flush too quickly we overload the liver, so we have to increase hydration to dilute the toxins.

Getting the body fat sites wrong will completely mess up your diagnosis. Subscap, pec, and triceps are the most critical sites for diagnosis. If you get these wrong, you'll put someone on a carb-intolerant protocol and it will just cause more problems.

#2. The only example I know of of vitamin D toxicity is when two explorers were stranded in the Arctic and they had no food. They killed a polar bear and ate the liver first because it's highly nutritious, but it also has astronomical levels of vitamins D and A (125 grams of polar bear liver has 50 million IUs of D3).

I've taken plenty of vitamin D in 100,000 IU doses and have never had a problem with toxicity. I had a guy from Dublin at the Heathrow Biosig who wrote the dosage I suggest down wrong and took 100,000 IUs a day for six month (you're supposed to only take the 100,000 IU dosage twice a week). His level was only 73 nmol/L--not nearly toxic and still very low (recommended dosage is above 100).

#3. Any time you have a brain disorder (dyslexia, down syndrome, ADD, ADHD) you need to take omega-3 and carnitine. I've had at least three students who had autisticchildren who were in special schools and they put their kids on omega-3s and their kids returned to mainstream schools. Two out of three of these autistic kids were measuring IQ at genius levels from high doese omega-3s.

Never give the carnitine after 4 pm because the kids will have too much energy. Do have the child take carnitine throughout the day. Give them six to nine grams of DHA fish oil a day.

#4. Fiber reduces bad belly fat. When raising fiber intake, do it slowly. Estrogen protocols don't work without fiber.

#5. If you have high levels of adrenal fatigue, you have too much cortisol at the wrong times. Cortisol can be your friend and can be your enemy. Large amounts of cortisol give you energy, so cortisol in the morning is good. Androgen and cortisol have to be produced in the highest quantity in the morning. What all this means is that sometimes it's good to have high cortisol and sometimes (at night) it's bad.

There are adaptogenic herbs that will effect the hormones in a positive way meaning that if you are low in a hormone like cortisol, an adaptogenic such as holy basil will bring cortisol up. But if you are high in cortisol, holy basil will bring those levels down.

I had a client who had sky high cortisol and was fat. I asked him what was going on in his life, what was stressing him out. He told me he and his wife had both lost their jobs. That's a highly stressful situation and stress causes huge spikes in cortisol meaning that getting a job was probably the best fat loss protocol possible.

#6. When I give you a dosage rule it is true for 68 percent of your clients. A greater dosage is needed for 16 percent of the population and a smaller dosage is needed for 16 percent. In 99 percent of the cases when a person takes a supplement and it causes nausea, it is a case of toxicity--the supplement is toxic for the body.

#7. If you take licorice, monitor blood pressure because 6 percent of the population will have elevated blood pressure. Also, 6 percent of women will have psychotic episodes on licorice. These two side effects are unrelated because the licorice is targeting different genes in the body.

#8. In breast cancer there are six variants of breast cancer genes. If you have all six variants and take vitamin B everyday you will have less risk of getting cancer than someone with no breast cancer gene who has low vitamin B status.

#9. Skin cancers manifest themselves in places not exposed to the sun. Skin cancer is not caused by sun exposure. Sun screen causes cancer because of the chemicals found in them such as parabenes.

#10. Every single cell in the body has receptors for thyroid hormone, omega-3s, and vitamin D. If your thyroid is low by 1 percent it affects your metabolism by 6 percent, meaning that if your thyroid is low by 10 percent, your metabolism will be slowed by 60 percent.
Muscles are nonsensical they have nothing to do with this bullshit.

- Avishek

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Re: There's a reason they call him "Loliquin"
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2011, 01:40:07 am »
Decided to google Chazz Loliquin specifically just to see what came up. Google suggested Chez Arlequin. This is what I found.