For the people who genuinely believe most sprinters are juiced, is there anything in there persona/attitude/build etc that may convince you otherwise?.
i don't just assume everyone is juicing.. when people fail tests though it's over for me respecting them.. so if usain failed one, adios.. but until then he's clean, so is tyson gay etc.
I wonder what the deal is with all those guys who say he is juiced on boards/in gyms/universities/forums all over the world?.
Maybe those guys are speed/sprint coaches trying to develop fast athletes but producing nothing close, or there athletes themselves, training hard & falling way short, hence the hate.
I think if juice was significant to speed, you would get far more white-boys running sub 10's but as it stands I think there has been only 2 athletes to achieve such a feat: Patrick Johnson: (9.93secs) & Christophe Lemaitre: (9.97secs). Marian Woronin ran 10secs dead.
Note: I'm not sure if Patrick Johnson is 100% caucasian?.