Author Topic: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.  (Read 26562 times)

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The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« on: July 05, 2016, 02:14:01 pm »

I weigh 18 lb. less than the average american woman... :ninja: :trollface:  :ibsquatting: :ibrunning: :ibjumping:

The average American is 33 pounds heavier than the average Frenchman, 40 pounds heavier than the average Japanese citizen, and a whopping 70 pounds heavier than the average citizen of Bangladesh. To add up to one ton of total mass, it takes 20 Bangladeshis but only 12.2 Americans.


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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2016, 03:34:03 pm »
freak fat country

really annoyed how its become so "okay" to be fat, too. my gf is gaining weight and i'm about to tell her straight up you're on your way to becoming fat if you don't stop. it's been like 6 months now that you've been saying you'll lose weight. da hell you gonna be all skinny and sexy when you were single, but not look your best for your man?!

I'm LAKERS from The Vertical Summit


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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2016, 05:17:52 pm »
freak fat country

really annoyed how its become so "okay" to be fat, too. my gf is gaining weight and i'm about to tell her straight up you're on your way to becoming fat if you don't stop. it's been like 6 months now that you've been saying you'll lose weight. da hell you gonna be all skinny and sexy when you were single, but not look your best for your man?!


and here you are, increasing your vert/squat for her. you need to show her your squat/dunk videos & tell her to go run.


The study concludes that "tackling population fatness may be critical to world food security and ecological sustainability."

celebrating "fatness" is dangerous for several obvious reasons (health, food security, animal cruelty).. this new "fat acceptance" campaign reminds me of the "everyone is a winner" campaign where every kid gets a trophy, there's no winners/losers, etc. Well, that turned out to be pretty dangerous to child development (<insert references>).

how gluttonous overconsumption has become acceptable, is beyond me. I wouldn't be surprised to see in ~10-20 years, where some large conspiracy is uncovered implicating the food industry, on the level of big tobacco in the 90's. lmao.

It feels good to get away from the "societal dietary norms" in the US. I'm almost done kicking my ice cream addiction, which is like the last piece to the puzzle of cleaning up my diet. For the most part I eat pretty good now, and extremely light. I feel waaaay better with my current diet.

Also, US males are often skinny-shamed to gain weight. I've been on the receiving end of that one, growing up. I imagine that turns alot of healthy skinny people into overweight adults as they get older.


John Stamos

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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2016, 06:10:40 pm »
freak fat country

really annoyed how its become so "okay" to be fat, too. my gf is gaining weight and i'm about to tell her straight up you're on your way to becoming fat if you don't stop. it's been like 6 months now that you've been saying you'll lose weight. da hell you gonna be all skinny and sexy when you were single, but not look your best for your man?!


and here you are, increasing your vert/squat for her. you need to show her your squat/dunk videos & tell her to go run.


The study concludes that "tackling population fatness may be critical to world food security and ecological sustainability."

celebrating "fatness" is dangerous for several obvious reasons (health, food security, animal cruelty).. this new "fat acceptance" campaign reminds me of the "everyone is a winner" campaign where every kid gets a trophy, there's no winners/losers, etc. Well, that turned out to be pretty dangerous to child development (<insert references>).

how gluttonous overconsumption has become acceptable, is beyond me. I wouldn't be surprised to see in ~10-20 years, where some large conspiracy is uncovered implicating the food industry, on the level of big tobacco in the 90's. lmao.

It feels good to get away from the "societal dietary norms" in the US. I'm almost done kicking my ice cream addiction, which is like the last piece to the puzzle of cleaning up my diet. For the most part I eat pretty good now, and extremely light. I feel waaaay better with my current diet.

Also, US males are often skinny-shamed to gain weight. I've been on the receiving end of that one, growing up. I imagine that turns alot of healthy skinny people into overweight adults as they get older.


Well thank the new age feminists for this, they have been promoting the whole love yourself, you're beautiful no matter what type of crap.  In theory it sounds like a good thing but really when your arteries are clogged, you have moldy milk underneath your rolls and your foot just fell off, maybe some of them will rethink it.  I saw an article that did a study showing fat shaming works so idk.  Quite honestly I am one of these heifers myself and I'd much rather be my old lean and athletic self than being happy about being able to eat a double whopper and a whole cheese cake everyday.
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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2016, 06:45:01 pm »
freak fat country

really annoyed how its become so "okay" to be fat, too. my gf is gaining weight and i'm about to tell her straight up you're on your way to becoming fat if you don't stop. it's been like 6 months now that you've been saying you'll lose weight. da hell you gonna be all skinny and sexy when you were single, but not look your best for your man?!


and here you are, increasing your vert/squat for her. you need to show her your squat/dunk videos & tell her to go run.


The study concludes that "tackling population fatness may be critical to world food security and ecological sustainability."

celebrating "fatness" is dangerous for several obvious reasons (health, food security, animal cruelty).. this new "fat acceptance" campaign reminds me of the "everyone is a winner" campaign where every kid gets a trophy, there's no winners/losers, etc. Well, that turned out to be pretty dangerous to child development (<insert references>).

how gluttonous overconsumption has become acceptable, is beyond me. I wouldn't be surprised to see in ~10-20 years, where some large conspiracy is uncovered implicating the food industry, on the level of big tobacco in the 90's. lmao.

It feels good to get away from the "societal dietary norms" in the US. I'm almost done kicking my ice cream addiction, which is like the last piece to the puzzle of cleaning up my diet. For the most part I eat pretty good now, and extremely light. I feel waaaay better with my current diet.

Also, US males are often skinny-shamed to gain weight. I've been on the receiving end of that one, growing up. I imagine that turns alot of healthy skinny people into overweight adults as they get older.


Well thank the new age feminists for this, they have been promoting the whole love yourself, you're beautiful no matter what type of crap.  In theory it sounds like a good thing but really when your arteries are clogged, you have moldy milk underneath your rolls and your foot just fell off, maybe some of them will rethink it.  I saw an article that did a study showing fat shaming works so idk.  Quite honestly I am one of these heifers myself and I'd much rather be my old lean and athletic self than being happy about being able to eat a double whopper and a whole cheese cake everyday.

hah. ya, i got fat once in my life (2013-2015), so I know what it feels like. NEVER AGAIN. :D

My mom fat shamed me.. and I thank her. My dad actually approved of my weight gain, because in his mind I was "filling out" like a "true man" <- lol.


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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2016, 06:54:02 pm »
funny.. just saw this on the evening news:

"pasta not linked to obesity. In fact, pasta linked to lower BMI, according to italian researchers"......



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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2016, 07:19:03 pm »
Lol at Andrews ice cream addiction.  I have the same affliction.  Want to quit but it is a nice comeback for when people "fit shame" me by telling me I must not eat at all or I must not enjoy life to remind them that I eat ice cream at least 5 times a week and could put ice cream eat any of them under the table...

"Fit shaming" and "dad bod" and the idea that being fit is a sign of shallowness or a life not enjoyed is really frustrating.  At this point I don't lift weights.  I hardly train.  The only difference w me and most fat people is I used to train a lot, I don't spend most weekends drinking craft beer, I play flag football twice a week and basketball once a week and I don't eat breakfast or lunch most days at work because those meals are a waste of time...  yet I'm shamed for being muscular all the time and told I should enjoy myself more and have a beer...

One question I have is "is shaming ever ok?"

I'm not sure what my answer is to this question but IMO it might be worth a try to treat obesity like smoking.

I mean the job this country has done with the public health system as far as smoking is amazing.  We haven't restricted freedom, we haven't banned cigarettes or told people they can't smoke.  We have taxed them a bit.  And we have undertaken a massive campaign to "shame" smokers.  Can't smoke in bars, can't smoke in restaurants, can't smoke on planes.   Just in my lifetime I can remember when I had family members that identified as smokers...

Now I literally know nobody that is a smoker.  Sure I know tons of people that smoke cigarettes - but I know nobody who proudly identifies as a cigarette smoker.  It's just not a point of pride.  It might be something people do when they are stressed, something they do when they go out and drink, but not something people bring to work because they don't really want their boss and coworkers seeing them smoke.   I think it's been handled quite well... Smoking is down in this country.  That's good for public health.  It's still legal which is good for free choices.  But it's a thing that people know is a bad habit and those who smoke a cigarette or two or 20 know that it's probably something they should quit...  Given this you don't have people mounting campaigns for smokers rights because rather than do this they know the better choice is quitting...

What's crazy is that fatness is becoming an identity.  You might read a political article about someone's perspective as an "Asian female".  I get it.  I'm not Asian or female, they can't really choose this and this identity therefore might be a point of pride and be respected.  With the exception of expensive surgery this is essentially an immutable part of ones identity - your gender and your race...

But now I have seen articles where issues are examined from the perspective of a fat person!  Fatness is not some immutable characteristic!  What's next - articles from the perspective of a tired person???   I don't get it.  I don't get this new fat and healthy claim that isn't supported by evidence...  Fat people are skinny people who have over consumed... They are not a different group of people whose rights should be protected!

John Stamos

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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2016, 08:25:53 pm »
funny.. just saw this on the evening news:

"pasta not linked to obesity. In fact, pasta linked to lower BMI, according to italian researchers"......


I'm not sure but I think the zero calorie noodles is popular over there, but yeah with all of the different sauces and what not its a caloric pit of awesomeness
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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2016, 08:31:53 pm »
Lol at Andrews ice cream addiction.  I have the same affliction.  Want to quit but it is a nice comeback for when people "fit shame" me by telling me I must not eat at all or I must not enjoy life to remind them that I eat ice cream at least 5 times a week and could put ice cream eat any of them under the table...

"Fit shaming" and "dad bod" and the idea that being fit is a sign of shallowness or a life not enjoyed is really frustrating.  At this point I don't lift weights.  I hardly train.  The only difference w me and most fat people is I used to train a lot, I don't spend most weekends drinking craft beer, I play flag football twice a week and basketball once a week and I don't eat breakfast or lunch most days at work because those meals are a waste of time...  yet I'm shamed for being muscular all the time and told I should enjoy myself more and have a beer...

One question I have is "is shaming ever ok?"

I'm not sure what my answer is to this question but IMO it might be worth a try to treat obesity like smoking.

I mean the job this country has done with the public health system as far as smoking is amazing.  We haven't restricted freedom, we haven't banned cigarettes or told people they can't smoke.  We have taxed them a bit.  And we have undertaken a massive campaign to "shame" smokers.  Can't smoke in bars, can't smoke in restaurants, can't smoke on planes.   Just in my lifetime I can remember when I had family members that identified as smokers...

Now I literally know nobody that is a smoker.  Sure I know tons of people that smoke cigarettes - but I know nobody who proudly identifies as a cigarette smoker.  It's just not a point of pride.  It might be something people do when they are stressed, something they do when they go out and drink, but not something people bring to work because they don't really want their boss and coworkers seeing them smoke.   I think it's been handled quite well... Smoking is down in this country.  That's good for public health.  It's still legal which is good for free choices.  But it's a thing that people know is a bad habit and those who smoke a cigarette or two or 20 know that it's probably something they should quit...  Given this you don't have people mounting campaigns for smokers rights because rather than do this they know the better choice is quitting...

What's crazy is that fatness is becoming an identity.  You might read a political article about someone's perspective as an "Asian female".  I get it.  I'm not Asian or female, they can't really choose this and this identity therefore might be a point of pride and be respected.  With the exception of expensive surgery this is essentially an immutable part of ones identity - your gender and your race...

But now I have seen articles where issues are examined from the perspective of a fat person!  Fatness is not some immutable characteristic!  What's next - articles from the perspective of a tired person???   I don't get it.  I don't get this new fat and healthy claim that isn't supported by evidence...  Fat people are skinny people who have over consumed... They are not a different group of people whose rights should be protected!

Your smoking is down comment, is that just cigarettes or do you mean altogether?  I know they want to go after the E ciggs because they dealt a huge blow to tobacco so I wasn't sure if more people just switched over to those things.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2016, 08:43:23 pm by John Stamos »
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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2016, 09:19:01 pm »
Good question.  I don't know how well ecigs are tracks but tobacco use has been trending down steadily for a long time and I'm pretty sure while some of the recent trend down might be false cause of the uptake of ecigs I don't think all of it is a result of ecigs... The experts seem pretty confident that it's down overall... Under 20% of adults report being tobacco users which is pretty low considering it was close to half in the 1960s...


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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2016, 04:17:31 am »
da hell you gonna be all skinny and sexy when you were single, but not look your best for your man?!



Women are just idiots. Proven to me again and again and again and.... you get the idea... waaaaaaaaaay too many times.
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2016, 09:08:48 am »

"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...


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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2016, 03:01:21 pm »
da hell you gonna be all skinny and sexy when you were single, but not look your best for your man?!



Women are just idiots. Proven to me again and again and again and.... you get the idea... waaaaaaaaaay too many times.

Prisons are full of males.  Wars are started by males.  If Donald Trump becomes the next president of the US it will be because of the male vote and not the female vote.  Women do better with less opportunity and face a hostile work environment and discrimination in what was a male dominated workforce...

And since the topic is about being overweight... Men in America on average have a bmi of almost 30 and bodyfat above 20%...  They are on average fatter than women despite far less predisposition to store fat, and no biological excuse to need to gain weight (childbirth)... 

Id say the evidence is pretty strong that the average guy is far stupider than the average women...  If women are idiots.... I don't know what the hell men are! 


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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2016, 03:21:49 pm »
I never said "men are smart". :D
Current PR status:

All time squat: 165 kg/Old age squat: 130 kg
All time deadlift: 184 kg/Old age deadlift: 140 kg
All time bench: 85 kg/Old age bench: 70kgx5reps
All time hip thrust (same as old age hip thrust): 160kgx5reps


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Re: The average american woman weighs 166 lb.
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2016, 08:16:06 pm »
da hell you gonna be all skinny and sexy when you were single, but not look your best for your man?!



Women are just idiots. Proven to me again and again and again and.... you get the idea... waaaaaaaaaay too many times.

Prisons are full of males.  Wars are started by males.  If Donald Trump becomes the next president of the US it will be because of the male vote and not the female vote.  Women do better with less opportunity and face a hostile work environment and discrimination in what was a male dominated workforce...

And since the topic is about being overweight... Men in America on average have a bmi of almost 30 and bodyfat above 20%...  They are on average fatter than women despite far less predisposition to store fat, and no biological excuse to need to gain weight (childbirth)... 

Id say the evidence is pretty strong that the average guy is far stupider than the average women...  If women are idiots.... I don't know what the hell men are!

Where are you getting your sources about the average man in America having a BMI of approximately 30 and being 20%+ bodyfat?

For the average sedentary male if they have a BMI of 30 they are going to be a lot closer to 30%+ bodyfat then they are to 20%.

Edit-I found a source comparing the average Australian man to the average American man.

"Rather, he stands at 175.6 centimetres tall and weighs in at 85.9 kilograms. This gives Jack a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 27 putting him squarely in the middle of the overweight category and a few kgs shy of the medically defined obesity range.
Jack is shorter, but slightly leaner than Todd though - the average American man, whose BMI is 29, one below obese and who is 176.4".
« Last Edit: July 06, 2016, 09:19:39 pm by Mutumbo000 »
"IMO, It didn't happen if it's not on vid/official"- adarqui

It's easier to keep up than it is to catch up...