I'm not gonna defend Lyle in the whole Rippetoe shit, he acted like a giant prick, got caught doing it and was incapable of apologizing or ceding even a little bit of ground. That was lame. But I don't remember anyone getting banned for that specifically, though? I'm pretty sure the only people he's banned were people who violated his forum's very, very few rules (don't make fun of Tillerman, the guy on there who died of cancer; don't make fun of Lyle and speedskating; don't complain about not being able to do those two things). Most of the trolls (Brother, Ultra Round, nisora23, The Metronome, butkus, etc. -- I just checked, didn't know them off the top of my head
) who flamed him after the shit with Rip went down are still active accounts. The one in the Rip's Forum thread who's gone now, superman, wouldn't stop violating the skating rule, so he got banned. But that seems reasonable to me and the warning is clear.
Also, far from censoring people who call him out, Lyle admits it and apologizes when he's wrong about something factual, including in that very thread, at least twice.
And none of that changes the fact that his info is better/more honest/clearer than anyone else's that I've seen.