bump, nice posts in here ^^
also, nice study on IF:
i was thinking of posting that and some other if stuff in the peer review section - IF hype seems to have died down a little recently, not sure why?
i love intermittent fasting, i've been doing it for a few years now, don't follow a strict 18-6 or anything like that, i just skip meals until i'm hungry/feel i need to eat. so mostly i end up eating around 2pm. but if im out at uni till say 5, sometimes i won't eat till i get home at 7pm, which makes cramming cals in a bit harder but it's fine. i do feel better training fasted, but i've been trying to move away from this and eat a small amount of carbs/protein before, i would just train on bcaa but can't afford them. obviously water/black coffee etc are fine.
anyone ever done any longer fasts? my longest was ~40 hrs. weirdly my hunger really dropped off later in the day, but got really wired late at night after a whole day not eating, then woke up fine. felt good - certainly from a health perspective they seem beneficial
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xvdbtt_eat-fast-live-longer-hd_shortfilms - documentary on fasting that was aired over here.