Author Topic: Do not take adderall and other amphetamines  (Read 7110 times)

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Do not take adderall and other amphetamines
« on: February 15, 2011, 04:46:24 am »
Not sure where this post should go, but I think it's important.

(no cliffs, in b4 didn't read lol)

Since there's a lot of high school kids on here (along with college kids), and SAT season is upon us, a lot of you guys might be pressured to take Adderall for study help. Hell yea the stuff works and I regrettably used it myself for SAT Studying (and more than that which I'll get to later), but it's just covering up a bigger problem(s). Work your ass off studying naturally and do as best you can on the SATs.

The first problem with using this stuff for studying is you'll probably end up doing better than you would normally. How is this a problem you might ask? With higher SAT scores you'll be able to get into better schools. Sure this seems awesome, but if you're not good enough to get into a school without drugs, you are going to be completely out of place there. You're not going to be able to compete with the other students in the school who probably got their naturally which in turn is going to give you a lower GPA and basically no internship/job opportunities. You're better off going to a school where you fit in at and can compete with the other students.

The second problem is you're cheating on the most stressful test you'll ever take. If you studied naturally for the SATs and did well, this would be a great confidence booster and will prove to yourself that hard work pays off. You overcame the stress and did well. This quality will help you later on when you get a job. If you have to cheat for this test, you'll have no idea what you are capable of naturally, and when stress comes at work, you'll have no idea if you can handle it.

The third problem is this stuff is very addicting and has a huge risk of dependency. Even kids who are diagonished with ADHD (which is bs to begin with) should not take this stuff. Parents are lazy and don't want to parent their kids who at 5 years old, are obviously going to be hyper and want to do fun stuff. No shit the kids can't shit through the meaningless crap they teach kids in elementary school. These kids want to have fun and explore the world. Parents and Teachers are lazy and think there something wrong with the kids and put them on speed. Yes, Adderall is speed. We are giving speed to 5 year olds. These kids take these drugs their entire life and become dependant on them, so dependant where they can't even read a forum post about adderall. They rely on the drugs, and of course doctors and drug companies love this because they make billions of dollars off "ADHD Medication".

It's not even just for kids who are prescribed them. You'll feel so amazing studying for the SATs on adderall, you'll come back to it again and again. Eventually you're relying on it just to go to class and making drug dealers/ kids with prescriptions rich (the street value of a 30mg adderall pill can be anywhere from 5-8 dollars. Buying it with a prescription is like 15 dollars for 60 pills. Think people)

The fourth problem is, you're cheating. Adderall is basically the steroids of the academia. You're taking a prescription drug to get an unfair advantage. You can swab Adderall with steroids in this post and its basically the same thing. Most people are against steroids in sports, yet they are fine with taking adderall. Absolute hypocrites. It's the exact same thing.

But anyway , I've taken it but I told myself I wouldn't use it again, as I felt it was cheating and I felt guilty about it. My major in college is Accounting/Business. Unlike most people who just do it for money (more on this later), I actually love these subjects. I studied them on my own since I was 13. This is really all the interested me in school. Unfortunately, to graduate college you also need classes in other subjects. Mainly english/writing/literature classes and probably a science class. Well, I hate these classes. (Un)Fortunately, I knew something that could help me get good grades in these classes. My old friend benny (Adderall). For something I was only going to use for the SATs, now I find myself taking this to write papers, labs, and studying. I knew what I was doing was wrong but I didn't care. It helped me get through it. I was so amazed by how well I did in these classes, I figured I might as well take it for accounting and business classes, the same classes that I was already interested in and didn't "need" drugs to do well in. After a semester, I found myself taking Adderall for every big paper/test I had no matter the class. And hell yeah I got good grades.

Luckily for me, I was able to find a friend with a prescription but really doesn't take the drugs so he sold them to me at a good price. The sad part is I probably would have bought them on the streets and paid a ridiculous amount without the friend. That's how much I depended on this stuff.

Last semester I said enough is enough and I stopped taking it. I knew I couldn't depend on this stuff because when i graduate, this won't be available to me when I had a job. Plus even if it was, drug testing makes it very hard to take this stuff. My grades suffered. Accounting and Business classes were a bore to me and I couldn't focus in them. Adderall made topics I used to love boring when I wasn't on Adderall. I ended up being so nervous about getting bad grades, I bitched out and took Adderall for my finals. Again, I knew it was wrong and that it was only hurting me in the long run but I didn't care. I did well on the finals, but this whole taking them again made me really depressed because I felt worthless without the drugs. This depression is the main reason I stopped training and re-focused my priorities (along with the other problem I talked about, but this adderall problem was the biggest. I was just too embarrassed to talk about it).

This current semester I've been great. I am able to focus in all of my classes, but tomorrow I have a big Statistics test. So of course, I went back to my old friend, and as I type this I am on Adderall (thats why this post is so long) This is going to be my last time. I asked my friend to cut me off and he is going to. I asked my other friends to report me if I ever take it again, and even though they are my friends, they will report me because they know how important it is to me. I've been fine all semester with out and I plan on being fine my whole life without it so don't worry about me.

To summarize, do not take the performance enhancing drug Adderall (or ritalin or any other amphetamine). The only way you'll learn how to work hard is if you have to work hard to get what you want. There is no shortcut. If your major in college bores you, then switch majors. Don't pick a major because you think it makes a lot of money. The people who do that are never successful, as they are competing against people who actually love it. The most successful people are successful because their job is their passion. They don't do it with the sole purpose of making money, regardless of what Lil Wayne tells you. No drug in the world can produce the high you get when you accomplish something you worked hard for. Taking performance enhancing drugs is just covering up the problem of lack of work ethic (or the need for a shortcut), and eventually this will be exposed. This applies to not only Adderall, but steroids, hgh, anaconda, flying in four, etc.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 10:53:16 pm by JC »
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[7:31pm] adarq: ripp, being honest, it's hard for u to beat jcsbck, he's on fire lately
[7:31pm] adarq: he's just
[7:31pm] adarq: wrecking people
[7:31pm] adarq: daily

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Re: Do not take adderall and other amphetamines
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2011, 03:01:59 pm »
Took the ACT, got a 27.

Took the SAT, got a 1760 (which happened to be the exact ACT 27 equivalent... damn accurate!)

Re-took the ACT, got a 32 (SAT 2150 equivalent).

You know how I kicked ass on that second ACT? I was much more mentally focused and a bit alert. I DID NOT study for it. And guess what...

It wasn't aderall or another drug either. It just so happened that the long ass reading passages in the second ACT that I took were really interesting as hell, and science has proven that when you're interested in a subject you're learning, you retain the information so much better! So what happened was, that on the english, reading, and science sections, I was so into the damn stuff that I was reading, I almost never had to go back into the text to look for the answer. I just remembered it. What that did was make my answers much more accurate (I didn't go back and reason between two different passages to decide which one was correct or whatever) as well as save a shit load of time so I had [color="red"]plenty[/color] of time to answer the tougher questions.

Math, of course, I got a 33 on both exams because that really doesn't get any more or less interesting. It was still just the same math, different problems. Not like they had algebra on the first ACT and then all of a sudden calculus on the second ACT.

So what the hell is my advice anyway?... take the ACT a bunch of times! That may cost money for you, but chances are that one of them is going to be way easier than the others for a bunch of reasons. I mean how likely is it that every single ACT is equally difficult every single time? Without studying, your scores will fluctuate, and you can just send in the higher scores only to your colleges (or a low to mid to high level to show you progressed a lot; they like that). On top of that, you KNOW the scores will fluctuate (in your favor most likely) because you don't get penalized for guessing wrong on the ACT. Maybe on one test you had bad guesses and good ones on the next.

Then, if you factor in the extra studying and test-taking experience (VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE), you'll really be putting the whole ACT/SAT stuff in your favor. On top of that, don't treat it like a test. Try to think of it as just reading cool and interesting stories and stuff, and if the stuff happens to interest you, well then, that's a high score right there (like it happened to me. jumped up 5pts on the act (390 on the SAT) with zero studying).

I had a 95 average in HS in my second quarter... 4th quarter went down to a 78 (never been lower than an 86 in my entire life)... now i have a 2.8 in college hahahha damn college hit me hard. So stressful lol. But I'm picking things back up now and I'm doing great, aiming for a 3.6 this semester.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 03:05:22 pm by Dreyth »
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Re: Do not take adderall and other amphetamines
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2011, 04:05:31 pm »
Ritalin isn't an amphetamine. Sorry for the nitpick, I'm doing biochemistry :P Otherwise what he said ^^^ I was prescribed Citalopram for anxiety/depression when I was 14 and I've managed to get down to half a tablet 7 years later. Even mild psychoactive drugs can be really easy to become dependent on.


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Re: Do not take adderall and other amphetamines
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2011, 08:08:41 pm »
Everything JC has said I know to be true. I have seen kids before football games pass the stuff around. Also, all the people I know who take it get really messed up. One of my friends lost 15lbs as he could not sleep, eat, or shit. And other people I know get really depressed and quite while they are on it.

I go to a private school, am in honors classes. The honors classes in my school are supposed to be alot harder than anything in public school. But unfortunetly, I am a bad test taker; especially on the standerdized test. I have taken some practice math parts, and have figured all of the material out..Only problem is I took 20min longer than what was allowed.

So obviously, I have some smarts but i'm not quick minded(as you see from IRC). I can study for test and get A+ on them. I have gotten 4.2 on my report card a few times, but since i moved up to the high class levels; I only get about a 3.8.

Aderall might be a solution, but i'm really not into doing that option unless i take SAT's and get a 1700 or below :( I am looking at great colleges, and I am not a shitty student.

P.S. How did you study for the SAT's? Just buy one of thos ultra gigantic books? I am going to study, and studying is not a problem; so if that is the whole reason to take aderall, then i already have a good interest/attention anyway.

just wanted to know your thoughts.......


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Re: Do not take adderall and other amphetamines
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2011, 12:57:54 am »
Ritalin isn't an amphetamine. Sorry for the nitpick, I'm doing biochemistry :P Otherwise what he said ^^^ I was prescribed Citalopram for anxiety/depression when I was 14 and I've managed to get down to half a tablet 7 years later. Even mild psychoactive drugs can be really easy to become dependent on.

Wasn't say it was. Nitpick my english if anything.

And for me I studied a bunch of root words/prefixes/suffixes and did a lot of practice tests.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 01:00:36 am by JC »
I don't lift for girls, I lift for guys on the internet

[7:31pm] adarq: ripp, being honest, it's hard for u to beat jcsbck, he's on fire lately
[7:31pm] adarq: he's just
[7:31pm] adarq: wrecking people
[7:31pm] adarq: daily

Say NO to Maroko

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Re: Do not take adderall and other amphetamines
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2011, 02:52:02 am »
Some brains up in here.

I took the SAT and ACT, didn't study for either of them.

JC I wish I was like you and was genuinely interested in school. Almost every quarter I ask myself why I'm in school. I don't know what career I want. I don't care about getting a 4.0. I don't study very often. I'm much more of a hands on learner, when I read or listen to something I'm not really interested in I have 0 focus and don't retain much at all. I've never tried Adderall but I did talk to my psychologist about it before he retired, I mentioned it to my doctor and I could tell he didn't want to prescribe it. Psychologist thought it would help because I am a slow test taker/reader and have trouble with focus.

I'm sorry to hear about your struggles though, I hope you get through everything ok.

inb4 shitstorm
« Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 10:39:35 am by ARowe »
Stats as of October 15, 2010
age: 20
weight: ~153 lbs
height: 5'7", 5'8" with shoes
reach: 7'5.5" in shoes
svj: 30 (vertec)
rvj: 35 (vertec) ~36 (dunk)
full squat 1rm: 315 (msem) ~325 (estimate)