Author Topic: reminders for forum upgrade  (Read 9529 times)

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reminders for forum upgrade
« on: September 30, 2012, 08:34:11 pm »
re-edit this to build the list:

x put the link tree back inside of each post. this was previously at the top only. I'll keep it like that, but also add the link tree to the last post at the bottom.
x make post box bigger
x add back in calculators (on main page and on post form)
x need 'users in last 24 hours'
[-] need 'users who posted in each thread'
x need 'users viewing thread'
X need to fix pretty-urls ASAP
[-] need to redo the CSS style/fix it up even cleaner than before.
x need lightbox popup on images
x need to add "top comment", but this time properly formatted within the header
x redo anonymous posting in 'the hole', no ip/no username/no logging etc.
x need good post bad post
[-]  "So i am inside a thread without being logged and i decide to post. If i login using the button in the same window the browser refreshes and goes back to the homepage. It would be very convenient if it stayed at the page i was already.Current workaround : open logout window in new tab , login , close tab , refresh current tab , ??? , profit."
[-] hole posts showing up in 'latest post', fix that
[-] users viewing hole, need anon
x need auto resizing of images inside of posts, no x/y scrollbars.
[-] need lightbox image zoom

ok that's a start.

new stuff:
[-] need an actual 'scientific?' calculator tool
[-] need flashcard system
[-] need image caption stuff
[-] need shortcut journal post tool
    - ability for member to customize the shortcuts? ie, journal, irc log thread, lol thread, beast thread.. could add custom urls to the shortcut tool
[-] need shortcut journal post tool + the template system for logging weights etc
[-] need more fun stuff for hole