WOw that is bangin. I found the event, tickets aren't on sale yet holy shit! Damn I want to go now.
I'm going to make a weird analogy for the song "Lost" to explain why I love it. Ok so I am sensing a profound feminine energy in the creation of that song. Like it starts at a moderate intensty, builds up builds up builds up then all of a sudden you climax (once u get to chorus). it's beautful b/c the masculine energy is more impatient, so it will get to the climax/chorus immeidately, instead of pacing itself and taking it's time. I personally in races will not be able to pace myself well, or not even races, say I'm runnign 320 meters, the last 30 meters could be close to max sprinting, b/c I did not pace myself and I like to sprint into it. Whereas in this song, it's just gradual, i can't explain anymore, so beautiful.