Sorry, I have issues understanding shit even if it's in video form.
What would my clean and press set look like? If my push press now is 150/155 and my hang clean is reps of 120-125s..? Just do clean and press with 120/125? What about sets and all that?
If I do clean and press, should I ditch push press altogether? If I do, should I do overhead press on another day where I previously did push press?
Sorry for the overloading of questions, but I'm really curious about every question I asked. I really appreciate it.
I dont mind the questions, as long they dont contain "some douche fuck at the gym that knows fuck all told me that (insert random horseshit).
If your clean is that far from your push press, you can do clean and PRESS. This means no QUAD involvement. 4 x 5 works well.
Push press makes everything stronger, I wouldnt ditch it, do it separate on a different day, and from the rack so you can use weights youre capable of.
Another option would be to work up with clean and press, then finish with push press, taking the weight from the rack. If you really want to hammer your shoulders, start with clean and press for as many reps as you can get *stay around 4-8*, then push press after you can no longer press it, with no rest. This will make your shoulders grow fast.