I just went to the gym i was going to do the squats but i wanted a spotter, the spotter guy said feet pointing forward, when i have it point slightly outwards and slightly bigger than shoulder width, very slightly.
He says not lean forward when going down, but bend your knees instead and also look up and stick chest out, and shoulders back, that didn't help when sticking my chest out my back almost collapsed inwards because of the weight.
I was trying my way but trying hard to keep chest up and i wanted a spotter and that was the guy who commented.
As for the RDL i saw that you bend slightly over as well as bring your butt back by bending knees and keep back straight and go down and up but another guy in the gym said that's not right even though i didn't feel any pain on my back, he said feet close together, stick butt out when going down, when i try that the ball rubs against my shins and knee don't like that.
I can't record myself, as i only have mobile phone to record me and i don't know who is going to hold it as only members only in the gym.
The process i go through is feet apart slightly more than shoulder width, feet point slightly outwards. go down by bringing but slightly back and down. Then go up but also concentrate on keep chest in front, sometimes it dropped sometimes it was ok.
RDL, when i go down, i stick but back, lean over, bend knees, keep back straight and locked. go down and go up no problem of rubbing.
When i have weight on my back i can't seem to get my chest high like they do in the army, because that way either the bar tries to roll off, or my back is arched and will start to collapse under the weight.
are they right? or am i right but just need to fix my chest up.