Here is an update of the vids
Squat ignoring the hip drive.
Attempt at the box squat
I couldn't do the front squat as i have never done it before so i couldn't do it right and placed it on my wrist injured it as i placed my wrist on my shoulder and i have to bend down to place it and i was leaning back making it dangerous.
need practice on form of front squat.
First two reps of the squat, thats MUCH better, last two got back into the hips coming up coming before the torso. Focus on making the torso come up FIRST like you did in those first two reps, lighten the load until you build up the strength and form to do so and youre on the right track.
Box squat looked better than the free squat as a whole, still, as you got into the set the same issue showed up, youre going to have to exaggerate the chest/torso rising first for a while until it becomes habit for you, you can do it, the first reps of both sets is already a MASSIVE improvement from the last squats.
On one day you can free squat, on the next lower body day box squat. that will work well for you and allow you to reinforce the form youre after. BIG PROPS ON GETTING THOSE VIDS UP AND WORKING ON FIXING YOUR FORM BUD, thats super important to success in the long run. I would start with high"ish" rep sets of one tire per side for a while, something like 10 rep sets, then progress to the load youre currently using once you have that form dialed in.