Today I decided to deadlift. My frequency is about 1ce every 2 weeks, not going too heavy anymore. Today I went near maximal and hunched oover in the lower back most likely during a pull.
So here is what happened and my symptoms based on my observations in sequential order.
375lbs x2 reps. sumo-ish, feet are slightly wider than shoulder width.
First rep, i felt myself using my back a little bit. Intensity is 100%, teeth-clenched, very aggressive energy.
2nd rep, I felt a tearing sensation in my lower back. mid way through the pull, probably just after the barbell crossed my knees on the way up. I did complete the rep, lowered it. ANd stood up, noticing sharp pain in the lumbar spine. Not enough pain to cause me to have to sit down or make a lot of faces. but definitely enugh to end my workout. Couldn't even deadlift 135 after that.
ask yourself: what was the point deadlifting near-maximal allowing the back to round? your training has been going very well lately, why risk it with a hunched dl? if there's absolutely one exercise you want to avoid using bad form on, it's deadlift.
for general health/strength/development/athletics, i have no problem with deadlifting,
HOWEVER, i think it should be done very strict... sacrificing "Very strict" would invalidate the lift.. people need to start thinking like this, to somehow defeat that innervoice/ego which is often times way too destructive, for what reason it is destructive, i have no idea, but it is.. massive run-on sentence but you get the point.
seriously, promise yourself that you won't ego lift on such a dangerous exercise in the future...
sucks man. hope it's just a little tweak & it's nothing serious.
ice up, relax, heal up.
Here are some things I can do sort of comfortable:
1. lunges, step ups
2. child's pose yoga
3. running very slowly causes some pain but it's not completely out of picture.
things that cause pain:
1. leaning backwards. I treid to do the inverted post in yoga that you do after child's pose, where the hip is hyperextended, and that is not possible. so I cannot hyperextend at the hip.
2. taking long strides while walking. when I walk I kind of have to stay on my forefoot. If I extend at the leg too much it causes pain.
3. toe-touch: standing there is abslutely now ay I can bend down to touch my toes. Unless I'm in the middle of a very cold shower. I have to squat down.
4. bending sideways while standing up: that exercise people do to train their obliques, that hurts. unless in cold shower than it's fine, haven't iced it yet I am preparing ice right now.
i think sitting down for toolong also makes it worse.
There is no leg pain. All pain is localized in one small area between L2-L4 unless it's not even in the spine. I read that leg pain is common in a herniated disk. legs feel very strong
Any ideas? Yes I know I need to see a doctor. workingon that.
stop messing with it until you've had a chance to sleep it off.. you'll get a better idea of how bad it really is, after you wakeup.
not a good idea to go through all of those positions when your natural pain killers are kicking in.. could do more damage without realizing it.
unfortunately, i replied too late so there goes that..
it's good that there's no leg pain/shooting pain down the leg, but, it's still too early to tell at this point.